PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”
PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”

It’s almost election time in the United States, which means one-third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will be up for grabs. Voters will head to the polls on the first Tuesday in November and, when they do, the Poker Players Alliance(PPA) wants to remind them who has sided with Sheldon Adelson and his crusade to outlaw online poker in the US.

“Unfortunately, all of these lawmakers have decided to put politics before their constituents by siding with Sheldon Adelson in supporting an online poker ban that would deny consumers of the meaningful protections that can only be achieved through responsible state or Federal regulation,” PPA Executive DirectorJohn Pappas said in a press release. “We’re asking PPA members and anyone who values consumer freedom and states’ rights to make their voices heard today in Washington and on Election Day by taking these jokers out of the deck.”

The Poker Jokers websiteshowcases 22 lawmakers who have sided with Adelson. Two – Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT, pictured above) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – have introduced bills to prohibit online poker. The other 20 have stood with Chaffetz, Graham, and/or Adelson at the state and local levels. Here’s the list of 20 in alphabetical order:

Atty. Gen. Greg Abbott (R), Candidate for Governor, TX
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D), House 5th District, MO
Martha Coakley (D), Candidate for Governor, MA
Rep. Charles Dent (R), House 15th District, PA
Rep. Randy Forbes (R), House 4th District, VA
Rep. Trent Franks (R), House 8th District, AZ
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D), House 2nd District, HI
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R), House 1st District, TX
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R), House 4th District, SC
Gov. Nikki Haley (R), SC
Rep. George Holding (R), House 13th District, NC
Rep. Jim Jordan (R), House 4th District, OH
Rep. Steve King (R), House 5th District, IA
Rep. James Lankford (R), House 5th District, OK
Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D), House 3rd District, IL
Rep. Cedric Richmond (D), House 2nd District, IA
Rep. Mike Rogers (R), House 8th District, MI
State Rep. Mario Scavello (R), State House, PA
Gov. Rick Scott (R), FL
Rep. Lamar Smith (R), House 21st District, TX

On the Poker Jokers website, you’ll find the phone number, Facebook page, Twitter handle, e-mail address, YouTube channel, and website for each lawmaker, thus making it extremely simple for players to voice their displeasure with Adelson’s agenda.

As Pappas concluded, now is the time for concerned players to act: “A Federal prohibition on internet poker would only serve to expand an underground market and deny states their right to establish a safe and regulated online marketplace. In the weeks leading up to Election Day, it is time that our nation’s elected officials consider the opinions of the voters over that of a billionaire.”

Stay tuned to PocketFives for the latest poker legislation news.

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