Tags : lindsey graham

  • Report: Bill to Halt Expansion of Online Poker Coming in US
    Report: Bill to Halt Expansion of Online Poker Coming in US

    According to the Poker Players Alliance, the main lobbying voice for poker players on Capitol Hill, a bill could be introduced in the US Congress that “would block new states from licensing online poker while a federal study is conducted.”

  • PPA Blasts Lindsey Graham Over Introduction of RAWA in Senate
    PPA Blasts Lindsey Graham Over Introduction of RAWA in Senate

    On Wednesday, while Congress was adjourned, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (pictured) introduced Restoring America’s Wire Act in the US Senate. The legislation, driven at the behest of Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson, bans internet gambling and online poker in the US.

  • PPA Anticipates Mark-Up of RAWA
    PPA Anticipates Mark-Up of RAWA

    A week ago, a hearing in a House Subcommitteediscussed the merits of the Sheldon Adelson-backed Restoring America’s Wire Act, or RAWA, which would ban online gambling in the US, including in the three states where it’s already regulated. There have been several legislation-related headlines in recent days, so to get caught up on them and […]

  • Is RAWA All About the Money?
    Is RAWA All About the Money?

    In the last couple of weeks, we’ve learned that the main man in the US Senate championing Sheldon Adelson‘s (pictured) legislation to ban internet gambling, Lindsey Graham, has never sent an e-mail. We’ve also learned that Adelson’s camp was a no-show at the Conservative Political Action Conference to debate the merits of i-gaming. Are those […]

  • Lawmaker Trying to Outlaw Online Gambling Has Never Sent an E-Mail
    Lawmaker Trying to Outlaw Online Gambling Has Never Sent an E-Mail

    This author went out and had a great evening stuffing his face with local foods and planned to sleep off his coma when he came home. But, any time we can point out the fallacies of those who are crusading against internet gambling in the United States, we’re going to do so. We’re like a […]

  • US Attorney General Nominee: Address Internet Gambling Through Legislation
    US Attorney General Nominee: Address Internet Gambling Through Legislation

    In January, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hijacked a critical Attorney General confirmation hearingto spread the gospel of Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson. The latter, whose properties include the Venetian and Palazzo in Las Vegas, has pledged to spend “whatever it takes” to rid the US of online gambling and online poker. Now, the Attorney […]

  • PPA: “Just Because It Isn’t True Doesn’t Mean Our Opponents Won’t Say It”
    PPA: “Just Because It Isn’t True Doesn’t Mean Our Opponents Won’t Say It”

    This week, Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson hijacked the critical Attorney General confirmation proceedingsin the House Judiciary Committee. One of his minions, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who is “testing the waters” for a 2016 Presidential bid, took time during the hearing to ask Attorney General candidate Loretta Lynch about the 2011 clarification of the […]

  • Sheldon Adelson Minion Asks About Wire Act During AG Confirmation
    Sheldon Adelson Minion Asks About Wire Act During AG Confirmation

    The Sheldon Adelson propaganda machine is in full swing. Just a couple of days after PocketFives reported that Adelson met with Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee, the latter had its chance to grill Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC, pictured), who championed legislation from Adelson last Congressional session, spoke for […]

  • Harry Reid: “Proliferation of Gambling on the Internet is Not Good for Our Country”
    Harry Reid: “Proliferation of Gambling on the Internet is Not Good for Our Country”

    If you wanted to know where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV, pictured) stood on internet gambling, look no further than an article published on Friday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal. In it, Reid, clear as day, told the world, “I think the proliferation of gambling on the internet is not good for our country. […]

  • PokerStars in “Time Out” in New Jersey
    PokerStars in “Time Out” in New Jersey

    In case you’re wondering why PokerStarshas not been approved for a license in New Jersey, the reason is that the site is in “time out,” according to internet gambling advocate and State Senator Raymond Lesniak. Yes, PokerStars is in the same state my two-year-old son is in when he throws blocks at the television. The […]

  • PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”
    PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”

    It’s almost election time in the United States, which means one-third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will be up for grabs. Voters will head to the polls on the first Tuesday in November and, when they do, the Poker Players Alliance(PPA) wants to remind them who has sided with Sheldon Adelson […]

  • PPA: “No Reason to Believe Sheldon Adelson Supports Online Poker in Any Form”
    PPA: “No Reason to Believe Sheldon Adelson Supports Online Poker in Any Form”

    In recent days, PokerUpdate and others have brought up the possibility of the Sheldon Adelson-backed Restoration of America’s Wire Act (S 2159, RAWA) adding a carve-out for online poker during the so-called “lame duck” Congressional session in November. PokerUpdate reported on Saturday, “As Chris Grove reported from C5’s US Online Gaming Conference, Bally Tech’s John […]

  • Sheldon Adelson to Spend Nearly $100 Million on Senate Midterms
    Sheldon Adelson to Spend Nearly $100 Million on Senate Midterms

    GOP insiders say that casino tycoon and staunch internet gambling opponent Sheldon Adelson (pictured) could donate up to $100 million through various conservative political organizations and “dark money” channels in an effort to win back the Senate for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections in the US.

  • GovTrack: US Internet Gambling Prohibition Bills Have Slim Chance of Passing
    GovTrack: US Internet Gambling Prohibition Bills Have Slim Chance of Passing

    According to GovTrack.us, which keeps tabs on US legislation and lawmaker voting records, the bills to prohibit internet gambling in the United States have a slim chance of being passed before the end of the current legislation session, which occurs at the end of the year. Any bills not acted upon by the end of […]

  • Three US Senators Send Letter to DOJ Supporting Bill Banning Online Gambling
    Three US Senators Send Letter to DOJ Supporting Bill Banning Online Gambling

    As part of a campaign to put the brakes on internet gambling in the US, three Senators sent a letterto Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday asking for his agency’s support for a bill that would reinstate the Wire Act and rid the US of online gambling, even those sites in regulated markets.