Tags : poker players alliance

  • PokerStars and Poker Players Alliance Team Up to #Fight4Poker
    PokerStars and Poker Players Alliance Team Up to #Fight4Poker

    As more and more states are considering legislating and regulating online poker, PokerStars and the Poker Players Alliance are teaming up to galvanize the poker playing community to help get the word to lawmakers in key states. With New York, Michigan, California and Pennsylvania all considering bills that would allow their residents to legally play […]

  • California Online Poker Regulation Takes Key Step Forward
    California Online Poker Regulation Takes Key Step Forward

    It’s probably a little too early to get super excited just yet, but Wednesday afternoon saw a California legislative committee pass a bill that would regulate online poker in the Golden State with some suggesting the law could pass in 2016.

  • Report: Bill to Halt Expansion of Online Poker Coming in US
    Report: Bill to Halt Expansion of Online Poker Coming in US

    According to the Poker Players Alliance, the main lobbying voice for poker players on Capitol Hill, a bill could be introduced in the US Congress that “would block new states from licensing online poker while a federal study is conducted.”

  • PPA Anticipates Mark-Up of RAWA
    PPA Anticipates Mark-Up of RAWA

    A week ago, a hearing in a House Subcommitteediscussed the merits of the Sheldon Adelson-backed Restoring America’s Wire Act, or RAWA, which would ban online gambling in the US, including in the three states where it’s already regulated. There have been several legislation-related headlines in recent days, so to get caught up on them and […]

  • PPA On RAWA Hearing: “This Bill Should Die Today”
    PPA On RAWA Hearing: “This Bill Should Die Today”

    If you were hiding under a rock, you missed the two-hour-long fear-mongering fest that was a House Judiciary Subcommittee’s hearing on Restoring America’s Wire Act, a bill that comes at the behest of Sheldon Adelson. It ended with a threat for a markup and among those in the room on Capitol Hill during the hearing […]

  • PPA Calls House Subcommittee Hearing to Ban i-Gaming “A Real Threat”
    PPA Calls House Subcommittee Hearing to Ban i-Gaming “A Real Threat”

    Last week, PocketFives brought you an article about a hearing scheduled for March 5in the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations to discuss a bill from Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) that would ban internet gambling in the US. The bill, called Restoring America’s Wire Act, reportedly comes at the behest of Las […]

  • PPA Confirms First Disputed Full Tilt Payments Will Be Sent by March
    PPA Confirms First Disputed Full Tilt Payments Will Be Sent by March

    In a thread on PocketFives, the Poker Players Alliancehas confirmed that the first round of disputed Full Tilt payments for US players “is on track” to be sent by the end of March.

  • PPA: “Just Because It Isn’t True Doesn’t Mean Our Opponents Won’t Say It”
    PPA: “Just Because It Isn’t True Doesn’t Mean Our Opponents Won’t Say It”

    This week, Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson hijacked the critical Attorney General confirmation proceedingsin the House Judiciary Committee. One of his minions, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who is “testing the waters” for a 2016 Presidential bid, took time during the hearing to ask Attorney General candidate Loretta Lynch about the 2011 clarification of the […]

  • PPA: “No Doubt” Anti-Internet Gambling Legislation Will Be Re-Introduced
    PPA: “No Doubt” Anti-Internet Gambling Legislation Will Be Re-Introduced

    We closed the 2014 calendar year focusing on legislation spearheaded by Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson called Restoring America’s Wire Act. The bill, which would have banned internet gambling and online poker in the US, ended up being stunted in the waning moments of Congress, but according to Poker Players AllianceExecutive Director John Pappas […]

  • Adelson’s Internet Gambling Prohibition Not Included in Final Spending Bill
    Adelson’s Internet Gambling Prohibition Not Included in Final Spending Bill

    The internet gambling world can breathe a collective sigh of relief, as, after a couple days’ sweat, Sheldon Adelson‘s (pictured) pet project, Restoring America’s Wire Act, did not make it into the final Congressional spending bill. The $1.1 trillion budget measure was agreed to on Tuesday and language banning internet gambling was not included.

  • PPA on Ultimate Poker Closing: “Being First Does Not Equate to Being the Best”
    PPA on Ultimate Poker Closing: “Being First Does Not Equate to Being the Best”

    One of the major headlines of November was the departure of Ultimate Gaming from the Nevada market. The company, which left New Jersey in September, said of shuttering its Nevada site, “The state-by-state approach to online gaming has created an extremely cost-prohibitive and challenging operating environment. These factors have combined to make the path to […]

  • PPA: No Hearing to Ban Internet Gambling During Lame Duck
    PPA: No Hearing to Ban Internet Gambling During Lame Duck

    According to a Tweet from the Poker Players Alliance(PPA), there will not be a hearing during the lame duck session of Congress to ban internet gambling in the United States. This should be welcome news for our community. The Tweet, which was posted by PPA Executive Director John Pappas on Monday, read in part, “Internet […]

  • PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”
    PPA Singles Out “Poker Jokers”

    It’s almost election time in the United States, which means one-third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will be up for grabs. Voters will head to the polls on the first Tuesday in November and, when they do, the Poker Players Alliance(PPA) wants to remind them who has sided with Sheldon Adelson […]

  • Final Deadline Set for US Full Tilt Poker Claims
    Final Deadline Set for US Full Tilt Poker Claims

    The Garden City Group, the firm appointed by the Department of Justice to serve as the Claims Administrator for US Full Tilt Poker fund reimbursements, posted a notice on its website, FullTiltPokerClaims.com, that the final deadline for claims is imminent.

  • PPA Calls Newsweek Attack on Online Poker “A Failure in Journalism”
    PPA Calls Newsweek Attack on Online Poker “A Failure in Journalism”

    On the cover of Newsweek Magazine‘s August 22 edition will be a child in a white t-shirt holding a tablet with playing cards on it. Below him in big black letters are the words “Poker Face,” which accompany an article from Leah McGrath Goodman entitled, “How Washington Opened the Floodgates to Online Poker, Dealing Parents […]