Lawmaker Trying to Outlaw Online Gambling Has Never Sent an E-Mail
Lawmaker Trying to Outlaw Online Gambling Has Never Sent an E-Mail

This author went out and had a great evening stuffing his face with local foods and planned to sleep off his coma when he came home. But, any time we can point out the fallacies of those who are crusading against internet gambling in the United States, we’re going to do so. We’re like a mini-Rich Muny. Therefore, we present Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC, pictured), who despite taking such a strong stance against internet gambling has never sent an e-mail.

Let that sink in: the man charged with pushing legislation to ban internet gambling in the US has never sent an e-mail. How is he possibly qualified to introduce legislation to ban our industry?

According to the Huffington Post, Graham commented in an interview, “I don’t email. You can have every email I’ve ever sent. I’ve never sent one.”

The current Congressional session is the second in which Graham will likely introduce Restoring America’s Wire Act in the Senate at the behest of Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson. Graham, who reportedly has presidential aspirations, once again, has never sent an e-mail, yet desires to ban online gambling in the US, including in the three states where it’s currently regulated: New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware. RAWA would also shut down regulated online lotteries in states like Illinois and Georgia.

As one commenter on the Huffington Post article wrote, “He’s never sent an email? My 85-year-old father has sent an email. The $64,000 question is: why is someone so out of touch with the 21st Century get to make law? And, why is he bragging about his ignorance?”

Poker Players Alliance Vice President Rich Muny told PocketFives, “I find it fascinating that Graham has never sent an e-mail, yet wishes to dictate internet poker policy, seeking even to shut down state-authorized poker websites. Even worse is the apparent disinterest of Graham and his counterparts over in the House to hear from the experts on the technology that allows sites to comply with geo-location requirements and age and identity verification.”

Graham’s cohort pushing legislation in the House to ban internet gambling is Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT, pictured), whose hearing about RAWA (HR 707) scheduled for last Thursday was postponed for a House snow day. No word if Chaffetz has ever sent an e-mail.

Graham recently hijacked a critical Attorney General confirmation hearingin order to ask about the Wire Act and online gambling, all the while cutting off the responses given by nominee Loretta Lynch.

Stay tuned to PocketFives for the latest poker legislation news.

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