PokerStars and Poker Players Alliance Team Up to #Fight4Poker
As more and more states are considering legislating and regulating online poker, PokerStars and the Poker Players Alliance are teaming up to galvanize the poker playing community to help get the word to lawmakers in key states.
With New York, Michigan, California and Pennsylvania all considering bills that would allow their residents to legally play online poker again, there has never been a more important time for poker players to rise up and be heard.
PokerStars Vice President of Corporate Communications Eric Hollreiser wrote a blog post this week asking poker players to do their part in getting the attention of politicians and lawmakers.
“It is an election year. Your voice matters. #Fight4Poker with the PPA. Call, email and Tweet your elected officials to remind them how important the regulation of online gaming truly is,” Hollreiser wrote.
Team PokerStars Pro Jason Somerville created a special message for encouraging everybody to reach out to their representatives and have their voice heard.
The PPA has made contacting lawmakers and decision makers in your state incredibly easy with the #Fight4Poker action center. Enter your name, email address and zip code and a pre-populated email will be sent to the legislators who can make a difference and bring online poker back to your home state.
PocketFives encourages every one of our members to take the two or three minutes it takes to contact the lawmakers in your area and let them know how you feel.