Galfond Challenge: ‘VeniVidi1993’ Retakes the Lead
Galfond Challenge: ‘VeniVidi1993’ Retakes the Lead

With Thursday’s ‘Galfond Challenge’ session complete, another 883 hands are in the books for the battle between Phil Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993.’ Thursday saw ‘VeniVidi1993’ finish on top by a figure of €78,237.54. That puts ‘VeniVidi1993’ back in the lead overall by €31,753.17 with 1,428 hands to go.

Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ are playing €100-200 PLO on Run It Once Poker for 25,000 hands. Galfond put up a €200,000 side bet and ‘VeniVidi1993’ put up €100,000, in addition to anything that’s won or lost on the table. The challenge is only a couple of sessions away from being done and it’s going to be an incredible sprint to the finish to see who finishes on top.

Thursday’s session started with ‘VeniVidi1993’ working to build a lead over the first portion of the day, but then Galfond quickly fought his way into the session’s lead around the 200-hand mark. Galfond maintained the lead for most of the next 500 hands, but then it was ‘VeniVidi1993’ who turned things around in his favor and began to stretch out another lead.

In the end, ‘VeniVidi1993’ was the winner and there were plenty of big pots along the way.

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One pot that helped Galfond turn the match in his favor early on was the following one when he flopped the nut flush and got paid off on the river.

There was €1,990.34 in the middle on the KhJh4hAcQc board and ‘VeniVidi1993’ bet the pot. Galfond raised to €7,961.36 and ‘VeniVidi1993’ made the call.

Galfond showed the AhQs3h2s for the nut flush and ‘VeniVidi1993’ mucked his hand to give Galfond the €17,913.06 pot.

Shortly thereafter, Galfond won a €57,511.06 pot with another ace-high flush, this time beating the lower flush of ‘VeniVidi1993.’

In preflop action, Galfond made it €600 on the button, ‘VeniVidi1993’ reraised to €1,800 from the big blind, Galfond four-bet to €5,400, and ‘VeniVidi1993’ called. The flop was Ts7c3d and ‘VeniVidi1993’ led with a pot-sized bet of €10,799. Galfond shoved for €23,356.03 and ‘VeniVidi1993’ made the call, having Galfond covered in chips.

Galfond had the AcAdJd4s and ‘VeniVidi1993’ had the QsJc9d8d. The turn was the Qd and the river was the Td. Galfond had an ace-high flush to beat the flush ‘VeniVidi1993’ made and he won the pot.

Another big one that Galfond won was the following one worth €47,994.

With a pot of €15,998 in the middle on a board of KcQs4c9h4s, ‘VeniVidi1993’ checked and Galfond fired €15,998. ‘VeniVidi1993’ tanked and then called.

Galfond showed the JsTc9s4h for the nut straight and ‘VeniVidi1993’ mucked his hand.

A pot of €63,385.90 also went down on Thursday, with Galfond making a full house against the flush of ‘VeniVidi1993.’

With €7,999 in the middle on the JdTc3c2h2c board, ‘VeniVidi1993’ fired a pot-sized bet before Galfond raised to €31,996. ‘VeniVidi1993’ had €19,694.45 behind and made the call.

‘VeniVidi1993’ revealed the AcAsKh8c for an ace-high flush in clubs. Galfond had made a full house with the QhTh3d2s, though, and he won the pot.

‘VeniVidi1993’ did his fair share of winning big pots on Thursday, too. One of the ones he scooped was this €39,999 one.

‘VeniVidi1993’ checked the 9d6d6c flop and Galfond bet €1,799.50 into a pot of €3,599. ‘VeniVidi1993’ raised to €5,398.50 and Galfond called. The turn was the Ts and ‘VeniVidi1993’ checked. Galfond moved all in for €12,801.50 and ‘VeniVidi1993’ called.

‘VeniVidi1993’ had turned a full house with the KdTdTh9h. At the same time, Galfond turned a straight with the Jd8d8s7h. The river was the Kc and the pot was sent to ‘VeniVidi1993.’

Another one that ‘VeniVidi1993’ won was a flush-over-flush pot worth more than €42,000.

Galfond bet €1,799.50 on the KdTs8s flop and ‘VeniVidi1993’ raised to €5,398.50. Galfond shoved for €19,502.33 and ‘VeniVidi1993’ made the call to create a pot worth €42,603.66.

Galfond had the AcQsJs8h and ‘VeniVidi1993’ had the AsJd9s2c. The turn was the 2s and the river was the 3s. ‘VeniVidi1993’ had an ace-high flush to beat Galfond’s queen-high flush and win the pot.

Just before the session ended, ‘VeniVidi1993’ won a pot worth €57,784 with an ace-high flush against Galfond’s king-high flush.

The final board was Js6c4s7c8s and there was €16,833.96 in the middle. Galfond bet the pot and ‘VeniVidi1993’ shoved. Galfond had only €3,641.06 behind and made the call.

Galfond had the Ks7s7d6h and a king-high flush after turning a set of sevens. ‘VeniVidi1993’ had the AsTc9h9s for an ace-high flush and he won the pot.

Challenge Results To Date

Hands Played Daily Winner Amount Won
Day 1 (Jan. 22) 655 VeniVidi1993 €72,572.68
Day 2 (Jan. 23) 715 Phil Galfond €2,615.26
Day 3 (Jan. 24) 557 VeniVidi1993 €84,437.52
Day 4 (Jan. 25) 581 VeniVidi1993 €17,544.87
Day 5 (Jan. 27) 726 VeniVidi1993 €155,063.52
Day 6 (Jan. 28) 703 VeniVidi1993 €13.31
Day 7 (Jan. 30) 823 VeniVidi1993 €52,057.13
Day 8 (Jan. 31) 940 VeniVidi1993 €60,743.37
Day 9 (Feb. 1) 446 VeniVidi1993 12,706.51
Day 10 (Feb. 3) 696 VeniVidi1993 €100,993.30
Day 11 (Feb. 4) 741 VeniVidi1993 €15,647.36
Day 12 (Feb. 6) 622 Phil Galfond €87,940.91
Day 13 (Feb. 7) 470 VeniVidi1993 €267,949.70
Day 14 (Feb. 8) 593 VeniVidi1993 €48,473.73
Day 15 (Feb. 9) 659 VeniVidi1993 €102,593.34
Day 16 (Mar. 4) 574 Phil Galfond €183,481.38
Day 17 (Mar. 5) 582 VeniVidi1993 €21,571.51
Day 18 (Mar. 6) 555 Phil Galfond €27,198.94
Day 19 (Mar. 7) 638 Phil Galfond €26,018.41
Day 20 (Mar. 9) 566 Phil Galfond €92,803.89
Day 21 (Mar. 10) 576 Phil Galfond €3,766.94
Day 22 (Mar. 11) 556 VeniVidi1993 €88,465.60
Day 23 (Mar. 12) 598 Phil Galfond €23,821.05
Day 24 (Mar. 13) 628 Phil Galfond €19,099.65
Day 25 (Mar. 14) 664 Phil Galfond €139,485.78
Day 26 (Mar. 19) 539 Phil Galfond €110,752.58
Day 27 (Mar. 20) 645 VeniVidi1993 €76,026.05
Day 28 (Mar. 21) 503 Phil Galfond €140,979.28
Day 29 (Mar. 26) 642 Phil Galfond €85,271.31
Day 30 (Mar. 27) 777 VeniVidi1993 €26,992.32
Day 31 (Mar. 28) 393 Phil Galfond €106,328.51
Day 32 (Apr. 2) 664 Phil Galfond €113,680.87
Day 33 (Apr. 3) 632 VeniVidi1993 €28,538.21
Day 34 (Apr. 4) 680 Phil Galfond €28,722.88
Day 35 (Apr. 6) 758 Phil Galfond €121,486.95
Day 36 (Apr. 7) 592 VeniVidi1993 €34,580.19
Day 37 (Apr. 9) 883 VeniVidi1993 €78,237.54
Total 23,572 VeniVidi1993 €31,753.17

What’s Next for the Galfond Challenge?

The Galfond Challenge between Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ has 1,428 hands to go and Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ will be back in action on Friday, April 10, for another session of €100-200 Pot Limit Omaha on Run It Once Poker.

Although ‘VeniVidi1993’ has retaken the overall lead, it’s not by much and this one is going to absolutely come down to the wire. In addition to the money won on the virtual felt, Galfond is risking €200,000 in side action to the €100,000 of ‘VeniVidi1993.’ Buckle up.

Be sure to stay tuned to PocketFives for more on the Galfond Challenge.