Galfond Challenge: Galfond Wins Back €87,940 On Day 12
Galfond Challenge: Galfond Wins Back €87,940 On Day 12

Day 12 of the ‘Galfond Challenge’ between Phil Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ was all about Galfond, as he churned out an €87,940,91 winning session over the 622 hands played on Run It Once Poker. That cut Galfond’s deficit down to €481,223.40.

Entering Thursday’s play, Galfond was down nearly €570,000. He started the winning early in the session and Thursday and was up more than €110,000 at some points in the session. ‘VeniVidi1993’ battled back to only be down €50,000 or so, but then the final stages of the session saw Galfond approach six figures once again.

Overall, Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ have played 8,205 hands of their 25,000-hand match.

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Early on, Galfond flopped a set of fives and won an all-in pot with quads to get the day going in the right direction.

On the Ks5d3d board, there was €3,599 in the middle and ‘VeniVidi1993’ led with a bet of €1,835.49. Galfond raised to €5,400, ‘VeniVidi1993’ fired back with an all-in reraise to €19,798, and Galfond called.

Galfond showed the Ah9h5s5c for a flopped set of fives. ‘VeniVidi1993’ had the AsKd9d3s for two pair and a flush draw. The turn was the Th and the river was the 5h. With that river, Galfond made quads and scooped in the €43,195 pot.

In one of the biggest pots we’ve seen to date in the Galfond Challenge, Galfond scooped a pot of €75,220.42 with a flush.

With a board of Qc9c4d8s in the middle, Galfond checked, ‘VeniVidi1993’ bet €2,805.66, and Galfond raised to €11,222.64. ‘VeniVidi1993’ called and the Ac completed the board on the river. Galfond had slightly less than a pot-sized bet left and fired it all for €24,984.74. ‘VeniVidi1993’ tanked and called with the QhJcTh4s for a straight. Galfond had the JsTc7c3h for a club flush and won the pot.

Challenge Results To Date

Hands Played Daily Winner Amount Won
Day 1 (Jan. 22) 655 VeniVidi1993 €72,572.68
Day 2 (Jan. 23) 715 Phil Galfond €2,615.26
Day 3 (Jan. 24) 557 VeniVidi1993 €84,437.52
Day 4 (Jan. 25) 581 VeniVidi1993 €17,544.87
Day 5 (Jan. 27) 726 VeniVidi1993 €155,063.52
Day 6 (Jan. 28) 703 VeniVidi1993 €13.31
Day 7 (Jan. 30) 823 VeniVidi1993 €52,057.13
Day 8 (Jan. 31) 940 VeniVidi1993 €60,743.37
Day 9 (Feb. 1) 446 VeniVidi1993 12,706.51
Day 10 (Feb. 3) 696 VeniVidi1993 €100,993.30
Day 11 (Feb. 4) 741 VeniVidi1993 €15,647.36
Day 12 (Feb. 6) 622 Phil Galfond €87,940,91
Total 8,205 VeniVidi1993 €481,223.40


What’s Next for the Galfond Challenge?

Galfond and ‘VeniVidi1993’ resume play on Friday, February 7, starting at 11 a.m. ET.

Be sure to stay tuned to PocketFives for more on the Galfond Challenge.