Tags : rich rodrigo

  • New Jersey Weekday Tournament Review for May 29, 2015
    New Jersey Weekday Tournament Review for May 29, 2015

    This week in on the virtual felts of New Jersey, Justin PocketProfitsWong (pictured) won the PartyPoker/Borgata $10,000 Guarantee on Tuesday night, earning $2,292. Josh j2thez Ziegelbaum made the final table of the network’s $5,000 and $10,000 Guarantees, finishing first and second for a total of $2,663.

  • Heads-Up with New Jersey Poker Player Rich Rodrigo (Pker4Dummies)
    Heads-Up with New Jersey Poker Player Rich Rodrigo (Pker4Dummies)

    PocketFives had the opportunity to catch up with one of its members, Rich Pker4DummiesRodrigo (pictured), out of Toms River, New Jersey. Rodrigo plays under the handles Muck_Your_Life on Borgata Pokerand muckyourlifeon 888 Poker. Known for his funny sense of humor, he also is very solid on the virtual felts, with over $48,000 in tracked online […]