Heads-Up with New Jersey Poker Player Rich Rodrigo (Pker4Dummies)
Heads-Up with New Jersey Poker Player Rich Rodrigo (Pker4Dummies)

PocketFives had the opportunity to catch up with one of its members, Rich Pker4DummiesRodrigo (pictured), out of Toms River, New Jersey. Rodrigo plays under the handles Muck_Your_Life on Borgata Pokerand muckyourlifeon 888 Poker. Known for his funny sense of humor, he also is very solid on the virtual felts, with over $48,000 in tracked online cashes.

Some of his accomplishments include a win in the PartyPoker/Borgata Poker $10,000 Guarantee for $2,365, a six-way-chop in the GSSS Main Event where he officially finished first for $8,487, and a win in the Ultimate Poker $20,000 Guarantee Sunday Major for $4,918. Visit PocketFives’ New Jersey poker community for the latest news and discussion from New Jersey players.

PocketFives: What got you started playing online poker?

Rich Rodrigo: I enjoyed playing poker at my friend’s house, but that game ended up dissolving. When I learned about free poker, I instantly said to myself, “Wow, Rich, this is it, your opportunity. Finally, you will be able to look at porn and play poker simultaneously without being judged.” I haven’t looked back since.

PocketFives: Is there any meaning behind your screen name?

Rich Rodrigo: My screen name is a combination of trying to tilt people and a mediocre poker pun. I am looking forward to when PokerStars comes and I can choose a different anonymous name, although I might just pick Lucky Spewey and have people blasting off on all my opens.

PocketFives: What are your favorite New Jersey online poker sites to play and why?

Rich Rodrigo: My favorite is 888 because they actually have a daytime schedule.

PocketFives: Since the launch of regulated online poker in New Jersey, what has been your most memorable cash or win?

Rich Rodrigo: They are all pretty forgettable to be quite honest. Sucking out on Jesse No_Xcape Elliot to win the Ultimate Poker 20,000 Guarantee was pretty dope though. That was a tough final table.

PocketFives: Is there anyone or anything that helped change how you approach the game?

Rich Rodrigo: One of the perks of being above average is most of the people I talk poker with are better than I am, so it gives me great perspective and insight into what might work and what might not work on and off the felt. The one guy I talk the most with is Mike JohnnyDrama Haberman, so when I suck out on you deep in a big spot of a tournament, #BlameDrama.

PocketFives: Do you play any live poker?

Rich Rodrigo: Yes, I do play live poker. I am indeed a masochist. Still poor, too.