Sheldon Adelson Minion: “Gambling on the Internet is for Chumps”
Sheldon Adelson Minion: “Gambling on the Internet is for Chumps”

In a rather peculiar move, the Philadelphia Tribunepublished an op-ed this week entitled “Hidden Dangers of Internet Gambling.” Its author: former Denver mayor and current Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling minion Wellington Webb (pictured). The Coalition, as you probably know, is headed by Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson, whose casinos include the Venetian and Palazzo in Las Vegas and Sands Bethlehem in Pennsylvania.

Webb came right out in his first sentence and argued, “Some people have asked me why I strongly oppose internet gambling, and I can sum it up in one sentence: Gambling on the internet is for chumps.” That’s definitely one we’ve never heard before…

Webb followed up that bombshell by saying “chumps” means “naive and foolish people, the ones who think if they make just one more bet they will strike it rich but instead find themselves in a deep, deep financial hole.”

The word “chump” is mentioned a half-dozen times in the article by Webb, who continued to spout off new lexicon and analogies in the fight to rid the US of internet gambling forever. Remember Adelson and his cronies saying that a cell phone in every home meant 24-hour access to a casino? Click your mouse and lose your house? Webb took that concept a bit further.

The former mayor equated internet gambling to 24-7 access to McDonald’s. We swear, the analogies never get old. “Allowing internet gambling is like having a fast food restaurant in your living room,” he said. “You can pig out on gambling any time of day or night. We all know a handful of potato chips won’t hurt you, but eating a whole bag in one sitting will.” We can’t make this stuff up.

You didn’t think we’d leave you with just one out-of-left-field analogy from Webb, right? No way! Here’s another one from the op-ed: “[Allowing internet gambling] would be like having an alcoholic live in a bar 24-7. Sooner or later they will reach for that one drink because it is right at their fingertips, just like internet gambling is for the gambling addict.”

Poker Players Alliance Vice President Rich TheEngineer Muny (pictured) blasted in the comments section of the op-ed, “He must think we’re all chumps. He’s paid by billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson to lobby for a national ban on Adelson’s internet competition. It’s that simple. That’s why Webb has no issue with brick-and-mortar casinos. I guess he thought no one would notice?”

If you’re outraged, leave a comment in the article by clicking here. You can call the paper at 215-893-4050 and e-mail [email protected].

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