Galfond Challenge: ‘ActionFreak’ Banks €74,625 Win
Galfond Challenge: ‘ActionFreak’ Banks €74,625 Win

Phil Galfond and ‘ActionFreak‘ were back in action on Tuesday, May 5, for another session of the ‘Galfond Challenge.’ This time, they battled for 727 hands of high-stakes PLO, with ‘ActionFreak’ winning €74,625.85.

The two are now 4,078 hands through the 15,000-hand challenge, which is just more than 27% of the way through. Overall, Galfond is out in front by €246,512.56.

The two are playing €150-300 PLO, with play going between Run It Once Poker and partypoker. Once the 15,000 hands are complete, the winner will also earn a €150,000 side bet from the other player.

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During Monday’s session, it was revealed that ‘ActionFreak’ was Ioannis Kontonatsios.

Helping ‘ActionFreak’ to book the win on Tuesday was winning the following €102,238.08 hand.

The final board was QsJc4hKc7d and there was €42,302.24 in the middle. Galfond bet the pot, which was enough to put ‘ActionFreak’ all in. ‘ActionFreak’ had €29,967.92 left and tank-called.

‘ActionFreak’ showed a king-high straight with the JdJhTh9c and beat Galfond’s TsTc6d5s to win the pot.

Although he did finish down almost €75,000 on the session, the beating that Galfond took wasn’t that bad when you consider his loss is only two and a half buy-ins at the stakes they’re playing. One of the big pots Galfond won on Tuesday was this next one, in which he hauled in a pot of €61,231.98 with a set of eights.

On the Ah8h3d flop, Galfond fired a pot-sized bet of €5,399 and ‘ActionFreak’ raised to €21,596. Galfond went all in for €27,916.49 total and ‘ActionFreak’ called.

‘ActionFreak’ had the Kh9d4h3s and Galfond had the KsTd8c8s. The turn was the 6c and the river was the Jd to give Galfond the win.

Challenge Results To Date

Hands Played Daily Winner Amount Won
Day 1 (Apr. 27) 145 ActionFreak €11,162.32
Day 2 (Apr. 28) 1,017 Phil Galfond €3,632.83
Day 3 (Apr. 30) 844 Phil Galfond €310,594.59
Day 4 (May 1) 665 Phil Galfond €113,377.48
Day 5 (May 4) 680 ActionFreak €95,304.17
Day 6 (May 5) 727 ActionFreak €74,625.85
Total 4,078 Phil Galfond €246,512.56

What’s Next for the Galfond Challenge?

Galfond and ‘ActionFreak’ will have a day off on Wednesday, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some action to sweat. Galfond is having a mini challenge against Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates of €100-200 PLO on Run It Once Poker and they’ll play 750 hands. On Thursday, May 7, Galfond and ‘ActionFreak’ will be back at it.