Galfond Challenge: Galfond Banks €113,377 On Friday
Galfond Challenge: Galfond Banks €113,377 On Friday

After winning more than €300,000 on Thursday, Phil Galfond returned to the ‘Galfond Challenge‘ battlefield Friday to capture another six-figure win from his opponent, ‘ActionFreak.’

Friday marked the fourth session of €150-300 PLO on Run It Once Poker between the two. They went to war for 665 hands and Galfond finished up €113,377.48. Now, 2,671 hands through the 15,000-hand match, Galfond is ahead by €416,442.58.

As we’ve come to expect from Galfond and ‘ActionFreak,’ the swinging started early. A few dozen hands into Friday’s session, the two got all the money in and Galfond picked up a €61,321.50 pot.

Galfond started with a raise on the button to €900 and ‘ActionFreak’ three-bet to €2,700. Galfond four-bet to €8,100 and ‘ActionFreak’ made the call. On the 8h5d3c flop, ‘ActionFreak’ checked and Galfond fired a pot-sized bet of €16,199. ‘ActionFreak’ shoved all in for €22,561.25 and Galfond called.

‘ActionFreak’ had flopped top set with the 8c8s7d7h. Galfond had the AdAhJc5c. The turn brought the Kc and increased Galfond’s chances for a backdoor flush draw and then the river completed that draw with the 7c. Galfond had a club flush and raked in the pot.

Although that pot helped Galfond to take an early lead, ‘ActionFreak’ fought back to get back in front on the session. But not long after the way passed the 200-hand mark, Galfond got some big value from a full house.

There was €11,229.92 in the middle on the Qh9c3sQc board and ‘ActionFreak’ fired €3,705.87. Galfond called and the river was the Ts. ‘ActionFreak’ checked and Galfond put out a pot-sized wager of €18,641.66. ‘ActionFreak’ tank-called.

Galfond showed the QdTh6c2d for a full house, queens over tens. ‘ActionFreak’ couldn’t beat it and mucked his hand, sending the €55,924.98 pot Galfond’s way.

Then, nearing the end of the session, Galfond took an interesting line with his bet sizing and scooped in a pot north of €40,000.

With €10,798 in the middle on the KcJs8sJd board, Galfond fired €1,500. ‘ActionFreak’ made the call and the river was the 6h. Galfond bet the full pot for €13,798 and ‘ActionFreak’ made the call.

Galfond revealed the AsAhJh6c for a full house, jacks over sixes, and ‘ActionFreak’ mucked.

Challenge Results To Date

Hands Played Daily Winner Amount Won
Day 1 (Apr. 27) 145 ActionFreak €11,162.32
Day 2 (Apr. 28) 1,017 Phil Galfond €3,632.83
Day 3 (Apr. 30) 844 Phil Galfond €310,594.59
Day 4 (May 1) 665 Phil Galfond €113,377.48
Total 2,671 Phil Galfond €416,442.58

What’s Next for the Galfond Challenge?

Galfond and ‘ActionFreak’ were originally scheduled to return to action on Saturday, May 2, but then opted to take the day off. They’ll be back in action either Sunday, May 3, or Monday, May 4.

With 2,671 hands in the books, this challenge is nearly 20% complete. Galfond is up €416,442.58, but keep in mind that Galfond and ‘ActionFreak’ are playing higher stakes at €150-300 and a buy-in of €30,000.