“You Should Add That I Broke My Neck in 2006 in a Snowboard Accident”
“You Should Add That I Broke My Neck in 2006 in a Snowboard Accident”

You never know what bombshells will be dropped in player interviews here on PocketFives. Sometimes we’ve wound up interviewing former professional athletes; other times, we’ve had natural disasters interrupt our chats, including several earthquakes. In our interview with ImDoneCallin (pictured), however, we were met with word of neck breakage.

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We’ll start off by saying that we wanted to interview ImDoneCallin because he earned a $1 million cash badge here on PocketFives on April 24 and has been a member of our site for six years. He told us, “It means I have been very successful to be able to play a game for a living for several years.”

He was one of seven PocketFivers to receive a $1 million cash badge during the second half of April. We have had eight players accomplish the feat so far in May.

In 2012, ImDoneCallin won one WCOOPevent and final tabled another for $150,000 total, catapulting his bankroll in the process and earning a coveted WCOOP bracelet. “The 2012 WCOOP was pretty sick for me,” he said. “I think I played 27 MTTs and had nine cashes, three final tables, and one win. I couldn’t have asked for much more. It took me to the Bahamas for the bracelet ceremony and that was an amazing experience.”

His WCOOP bracelet came in PLO, although he said he’s a fan of PLO Eight or Better. You’ll also find him in plenty of NLHE games.

Okay, let’s get into the meat of our discussion: the neck-breaking incident. We’ll let ImDoneCallin narrate what happened: “I broke my neck in 2006 in a snowboarding accident and have been in a wheelchair since.”

The unfortunate accident happened during an amateur competition. “I took off badly on the jump and landed on my head,” he told us. “It shattered the sixth spine disc in my neck. I probably wouldn’t have played poker if I hadn’t gotten injured.”

ImDoneCallin was in the hospital for seven months following the accident and said he’s unable to use his fingers at all now. In order to play poker on his computer, he enlists the aid of a special trackball mouse, which he maneuvers with his hands and tweaks with his wrists.

After he returned home from the hospital in 2006, he found himself with not a lot to do and so signed up for PartyPokersince he had seen a friend play there. “I made $10 deposits and lost it quickly. Then, I waited for the daily freerolls to maybe earn just a dollar.” Now, you can find him on PokerStars, where he has won $556,000, under the screen name utvekklo2. On his original site, PartyPoker, he plays as NoSc00pForU.

Despite the missteps out of the gate, ImDoneCallin said his mother was a bit skeptical of his poker-playing career at first, but has since come around, and it’s easy to see why. ImDoneCallin was ranked as high as #407 on PocketFives and currently stands at #1,346 worldwide. He has 1,890 in the money finishes for an average cash of $535.

He closed by wanting to send shout outs to andyh26and ApesAreFun.

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