XL Inferno: Thomas ‘WushuTM’ Muhlocker Wins Quarterback for $26K
XL Inferno: Thomas ‘WushuTM’ Muhlocker Wins Quarterback for $26K

Of the 12 events on the Day 12 888poker XL Inferno, none were bigger than the $215 Quarterback. Thomas ‘WushuTM’ Muhlocker beat out the 587-player field to win just over $26,000 – the biggest single score on Thursday.

That final table also included Adrian ‘ADRI_ATM’ Mateos. Fresh off of his PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker win, the Spanish phenom finished sixth for $5,892.62.

Brazil’s ‘PudimSedutor‘ won Event #146 ($30 Deepstack Swordfish) for $4,011.86 and then final-tabled the Quarterback, finishing ninth for $2,079.75. He was one of two players to pull off that feat on Thursday. ‘edtastylez92’ won Event #144 ($109 Lightning Six Max) for $5,356 and then final-tabled Event #149 ($55 $60,000 R&A), finishing seventh for $2,471.62.

Event #149 went to ‘edyvpakistan‘ who took home $14,365.84 after outlasting the 618-player field. The 424 rebuys and 479 add-ons pushed the total prize pool to $76,050, well past the $60,000 guarantee.

If you don’t have an 888poker account yet and want to get in on the XL Inferno action, sign up from this link and you’ll get a 100% bonus up to a maximum of $700. Use promo code ‘pocket5s’. and you’ll also get a free $10 on top of the first $10 you deposit available to you right away!

Event #144: $109 Lightning Six Max
Entries: 139 + 67 rebuys
Prize pool: $20,600

  1. edtastylez92 – $5,356
  2. Fedder11 – $3,605
  3. ZeroNineee – $2,678
  4. Gandalf_MRS – $1,751
  5. husaboura – $1,339
  6. Julioassp10 – $927

Event #145: $55 Breeze
Entries: 487
Prize pool: $24,350

  1. youler – $4,625.50
  2. unclesala – $3,409
  3. MaNnNnZzi – $2,495.87
  4. budurom – $1,899.30
  5. poriferum8k – $1,339.25
  6. flexPI – $1,034.87
  7. Ozzy_M – $791.37
  8. Stiffler29 – $547.87
  9. BadModafoka1 – $404.21

Event #146: $30 Deepstsack Swordfish
Entries: 806
Prize pool: $22,165

  1. PudimSedutor – $4,011.86
  2. mwnnj – $2,881.45
  3. dsgander – $2,161.08
  4. Gzoom – $1,618.04
  5. Gutschel – $1,141.49
  6. fcSd91 – $919.84
  7. Doub1eD19 – $698.19
  8. Dziesma – $489.84
  9. Chester20o – $283.71

Event #147: $160 Crocodile
Entries: 292
Prize pool: $43,800

  1. SleepinAwake – $8,475.30
  2. mannekenpis1 – $6,351
  3. TOiler_Po8L – $4,818
  4. Paeffchen – $3,613.50
  5. APOARSLAM – $2,496.60
  6. IT0mmGunI – $1,927.20
  7. CkCallCkFold – $1,489.20
  8. _Antikk_ – $1,051.20
  9. 89rhino89 – $766.50

Event #149: $55 $60,000 R&A
Entries: 618 + 424 rebuys + 479 add-ons
Prize pool: $76,050

  1. edyvpakistan – $14,365.84
  2. jurata_PL – $10,418.85
  3. TommyM123 – $7,681.05
  4. Hodor – $5,779.80
  5. Rodisking – $4,061.07
  6. prsalute – $3,232.12
  7. edtastylez92 – $2,471.62
  8. baca4b – $1,711.12
  9. 77kol0bok77 – $1,140.75

Event #150: $5 $10,000 Mini R&A
Entries: 1,082 + 940 rebuys + 758 add-ons
Prize pool: $12,649

  1. Speil13 – $2,211.04
  2. OverM1nd – $1,606.42
  3. kikasavz – $1,201.65
  4. SuperPufoasa – $898.07
  5. alexkarb – $632.45
  6. handbik666 – $505.96
  7. pokenando – $379.47
  8. ALTUSDOMUS – $252.98
  9. Domius1010 – $145.46

Event #151: $55 Monsoon
Entries: 669
Prize pool: $33,450

  1. AllanSheik – $6,271.87
  2. quadsville – $4,515.75
  3. weneedit – $3,245
  4. boladegude – $2,508.75
  5. ikbenlen – $1756.12
  6. primemate – $1,421.62
  7. tTtexa – $1,087.12
  8. TonyKeogh – $752.62
  9. Jaymo0o – $471.64

Event #152: $215 Quarterback
Entries: 587 + 425 rebuys
Prize pool: $138,650

  1. Thomas ‘WushuTM’ Muhlocker – $26,190.98
  2. StuntSoHard – $18,995.05
  3. AshTheSlave – $14,003.65
  4. Jan ‘hownorez’ Nakladal – $10,537.40
  5. AUTISPOSTI – $7,403.91
  6. Adrian ‘ADRI_ATM Mateos – $5,892.62
  7. KellerA – $4,506.12
  8. kbelik48o – $3,119.62
  9. PudimSedutor – $2,079.75

Event #153: $44 Mini Quarterback
Entries: 856 + 501 rebuys
Prize pool: $39,250

  1. Lucky_Frutti – $5,181.01*
  2. WarnerBrosss – $5,421.39*
  3. jackthecpt – $5,431.38*
  4. ste_mc_efc – $2,865.25
  5. EternallyYrs – $2,021.37
  6. Richarch99 – $1,628.87
  7. wiisssppppaaa – $1,236.37
  8. FouEnculePL – $867.42
  9. Noooob25 – $502.40

Event #154: $12 Thursday Challenge R&A
Entries: 922 + 1,245 rebuys + 566 add-ons
Prize pool: $29,789.70

  1. Duraircwb – $5,362.14
  2. HappySh00ter – $3,872.66
  3. Barathrum15 – $2,889.60
  4. sadam83 – $2,159.75
  5. temp0r – $1,501.40
  6. proJJkeke – $1,203.50
  7. Philmarrr – $905.60
  8. Ozzybar2144 – $610.68

Event #155: $109 Tornado
Entries: 173 + 64 rebuys
Prize pool: $23,700

  1. Fukuruku – $4,287.58*
  2. YSoSerious7 – $4,481.42*
  3. stockfish9 – $2,784.75
  4. dErEk_eekk – $2,073.75
  5. Hot.Blooded – $1,422
  6. imabarista – $1,185
  7. PKaiser – $948
  8. ROLDY18 – $711
  9. plotka_voxa – $474

Event #156: $109 Turbo Quarterback
Entries: 275 + 143 rebuys
Prize pool: $31,075

  1. dontis10 – $5,929.59*
  2. galactuss – $5,086.64*
  3. THEKIDM8 – $3,511.47
  4. KellerA – $2,641.37
  5. Mindcrushers – $1,802.35
  6. OPH1UCHUS – $1,398.37
  7. FariNzRarenZ – $1,087.62
  8. YoureMagical – $776.87
  9. dulek_jason – $590.42