XL Inferno: Leandro ‘DMilito22’ Bustillo Books Second Win
XL Inferno: Leandro ‘DMilito22’ Bustillo Books Second Win

The 888 Poker XL Inferno online poker tournament series entered its final weekend Friday with PocketFives members coming out on top in a number of the larger events. ‘SmallKindB‘ of the Czech Republic (ranked #223) led the way with a $5,644 score for first place in the Crocodile. ‘Juanfran1973‘ took home $4,069 for runner-up in that event, followed by #271-ranked Ivan ‘ivanascasubi’ Vilchez of Argentina who collected $3,084 in third place.

There was a heads-up final table chop in the No Limit Hold’em Knockout tournament, as ‘|||||.‘ and ‘69Donkey69‘ each walked away with slightly over $5,000 USD cash. Argentina’s Leandro ‘leitalopez’ Bustillo (ranked #49) was victorious in the Monsoon for $4,287 for his second XL Inferno title this week. Poland’s ‘Chester20o‘ finished second for $3,129.

Christian ‘ArmyOfLuck’ Bauer will likely re-enter the Top 1,000 worldwide this coming week thanks to his win in the Friday Challenge for $4,680. The six-max Lightning XL Inferno Event #157 saw ‘minintoiu‘ take home the top prize of $3,624.

If you don’t have an 888poker account yet and want to get in on the XL Inferno action, sign up from this link and you’ll get a 100% bonus up to a maximum of $700. Use promo code ‘pocket5s’. and you’ll also get a free $10 on top of the first $10 you deposit available to you right away!

XL Inferno Event #157: $109 No Limit Hold’em Lightning 6-Max
Entries: 91
Prize pool: $13,300

  1. minintoiu – $3,624
  2. siskoll – $2,427
  3. p000cket000 – $1,862
  4. Curioso24 – $1,264
  5. Achileys34 – $931
  6. SandraJayJoe – $698

XL Inferno #158: $55 No Limit Hold’em Breeze
Entries: 339
Prize pool: $16,950

  1. Sevone14 – $2,897
  2. Telezhkin – $2,840 *2-way deal
  3. almondhead – $1,865
  4. SaiyanHype – $1,398
  5. Efan_Ekoku – $966
  6. nathanbarrac – $746
  7. GUITEY – $576
  8. undabashyn – $407
  9. cuadrado12 – $297

XL Inferno #159: 30 No Limit Hold’em Deepstack Swordfish
Entries: 592
Prize pool: $16,280

  1. salamerancio – $3,075
  2. and_ortega – $2,230
  3. rinnngo321 – $1,644
  4. Cherman99 – $1,237
  5. 0aceAce – $869
  6. MaGnuS004 – $692
  7. TOP1LTU – $529
  8. NeulovimyJoe – $366
  9. ForzaMilan00 – $244 (Barry86)

XL Inferno Event #160: $160 No Limit Hold’em Crocodile
Entries: 175
Prize pool: $26,250

  1. PuntSonPunt – $5,644 (SmallKindB)
  2. Juanfran1973 – $4,069
  3. Ivan ‘ivanascasubi’ Vilchez – $3,084
  4. ego_death – $2,297
  5. JezusWOWW – $1,575
  6. AAnutssss – $1,313
  7. neverfoldQ5 – $1,050
  8. 888Ferrari – $788 (Ronan ‘RonanAndreu’ Ferrari)
  9. evianwater1 – $525

XL Inferno Event #161 : $30 No Limit Hold’em Swordfish
Entries: 535
Prize pool: $15,000

  1. imnvm – $2,835
  2. luttekikker – $2,078
  3. K0VAK – $1,530
  4. Celtic120815 – $1,155
  5. Bostan903 – $810
  6. chIpm0nkey – $638
  7. TheLINQ – $488 (Fedor ‘lubocha91’ Truntsev)
  8. diegokeep – $338
  9. doubleace90 – $230

XL Inferno Event #162: $55 No Limit Hold’em Monsoon
Entries: 447
Prize pool: $22,350

  1. Dmilito22 – $4,247 (Leandro ‘leitalopez’ Bustillo)
  2. Chester20o – $3,129
  3. Jamie ‘jables21’ Burland – $2,291
  4. FoldToNuts – $1,743 (PartyMaker)
  5. _Hasbeen_ – $1,229
  6. Patsharpe – $950
  7. DuduPa1986 – $726
  8. josef_shvejk – $503
  9. _JMO_ – $371

XL Inferno Event #163: $150 No Limit Hold’em Knockout
Entries: 297
Prize pool: $42,177

  1. |||||. – $5,060
  2. 69Donkey69 – $5,095 *2-way deal
  3. ajetopatamat – $3,300
  4. V.BlomFan60 – $2,475
  5. Fullhousebob – $1,710
  6. Daniel ‘CabecaTilt’ Costa – $1,320
  7. Nikas3274 – $1,020
  8. Namlleh – $720 (Pot4teUS)
  9. Vocaaas – $525

XL Inferno Event #164: $35 No Limit Hold’em Mini Knockout
Entries: 672
Prize pool: $21,840

  1. huongnguyen1 – $3,150
  2. razmatazz888 – $2,268
  3. reijomo – $1,680
  4. Kevin ‘kevlar1991’ Frame – $1,260
  5. AAdennish – $882
  6. OscarSJS – $714
  7. _JMO_ – $546
  8. _Dizzy – $378
  9. wwwooon – $237

XL Inferno Event #165: $35 No Limit Hold’em Friday Challenge
Entries: 808
Prize pool: $25,856

  1. _RipCheese_ – $4,680 (Christian ‘ArmyOfLuck’ Bauer)
  2. MangeMonCoq – $3,361
  3. JoeDavola_ – $2,521 (CalvinT1210)
  4. Georgi ‘dscturrr’ Nikolov – $1,887
  5. GuteAlteZeit – $1,332
  6. SmartChix – $1,073
  7. pantsinants – $814
  8. maladietz – $571
  9. MotMotMotMot – $331

XL Inferno Event #166: $109 No Limit Hold’em Tornado
Entries: 142
Prize pool: $18,000

  1. telmrock – $4,140
  2. knakkgambler – $2,880
  3. thomask3r – $2,187
  4. 974kWRT – $1,620
  5. Ronaldo4112 – $1,080
  6. Kenny ‘SpaceyFCB’ Hallaert – $900
  7. poker_mom74 – $720
  8. ihavenoboss – $540
  9. VeksinaK – $450

XL Inferno #167: $75 No Limit Hold’em Turbo Knockout
Entries: 192
Prize pool: $13,840

  1. StevTrue – $2,150
  2. 974kWRT – $1,550
  3. PINCHITOEC1 – $1,175
  4. DgulianLuna – $875
  5. BigRazor11 – $600
  6. imabarista – $500
  7. GaleonG – $400 (NorBaggio)
  8. Ender112 – $300
  9. maroci22 – $200