“We Have to Make Mistakes to Have Something to Learn From”
“We Have to Make Mistakes to Have Something to Learn From”

On the final weekend of July, N4kaicame away with the win in the 888 Poker Sunday Challenge. He certainly carried the banner for our community, as he was one of just two PocketFivers at the final table that day. His reward was $15,000 and you can find him on 888 under the user name EternallyYrs.

“It felt good,” N4kai told PocketFives, “especially considering that 888 has had some problems with disconnections recently and I was fortunate enough to dodge them.” Thanks to the Poland poker community member, PocketFivers raked in about one-third of the prize pool.

He added that at the final table, radasahkand Crotemoney, who finished second and third, respectively, gave him the most trouble: “Both of them were ahead in chips for almost the whole final table. Both of them were quite fearless and put a lot of pressure on the other players, including me. I entered the final table in the middle of the pack and also had around the chip average.” Second and third places were worth $11,000 and $8,000.

When we sat down with N4kai, he didn’t have any plans for the money. Instead, he seemed more overwhelmed with winning a major Sunday tournament. He explained, “I’m just really glad to finally win a decent-sized online tournament. It’s probably one of the nicest feelings I can recall.”

This isn’t his first rodeo winning a big chunk of money online. In fact, he has $780,000 in career online tournament winnings and is the #31-ranked player in Poland. His big hit came in 2011, when he chopped a WCOOP $320 No Limit Hold’em event for $108,000. That score is larger than his second and third largest cashes – final tables in the Sunday Million and Bigger $162 – combined.

He called his WCOOP victory “one of the highlights of my life to date. Back then, I was a reasonable player, but nowhere near good enough to take down such an event. That win gave me a lot of comfort, which I guess is not surprising. It also unfortunately gave me a false belief that I was better than I actually was, which led me to play fewer tournaments. But, I guess that’s the natural order of things. Sometimes we have to make mistakes to have something to learn from.”

The Polish player was battling in poker nearly full-time before his WCOOP win. That tournament, however, propelled him over the edge and now he’s a poker pro. As for what changes he has noticed in the game since, N4kai evaluated, “There are fewer people playing and better people playing. Playing poker still seems fun and profitable, but it’s not as big as it was a few years ago.”

Finally, he has quite an eclectic life off the tables. He’s a fan of board games like Puerto Rico, which Amazon describes as a “high-quality farming and economic themed board game.” He called it “not complicated yet quite strategic.” N4kai is also a fan of Dota 2, an e-sport title. He added, “Away from the computer and gaming, I try to stay fit and love listening to music live.

A few other poker-related stats for N4kai: he has almost 50 top-three finishes in tournaments we track and has made the money 1,900 times over the years. He has been a member of PocketFives since the beginning of 2012 and was ranked as high as #675 worldwide on our site one year later. He’s the #5 ranked PocketFiver in the Polish province of Slaskie.

If you don’t have an 888 Poker account, sign up through PocketFivesto get a special 100% up to $600 sign-up bonus (regularly 100% up to $400), $88 free in most locations, and one free month of Tournament Poker Edge or CardRunners poker training. Get started here.

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