In the sixth instalment of the 2020 World Series of Poker online Asia time zone events, Luis ‘Xapilskinha’ Assuncao Garla overcame 3,247 total entries and 426 other players on Day 2 to win Event #55 HK$8,000 NLHE Asia Championship. Garla secured his first career bracelet to take home $461,709.47.
For the penultimate 2020 World Series of Poker Online bracelet event on, Jonathan ‘SugarJ’ Lessin rolled back the years to win Event #30 ($500 Seniors Event). Lessin secured the victory for $64,411.20 and his first career bracelet.
For the sixth year in a row, 888poker is an exclusive online poker sponsor of the World Series of Poker. The WSOP summer series is set to take place at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas from May 26 – July 15 with 888poker, once again, helping players from around the world […]