Tags : valuetown

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for March 9, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for March 9, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, nine PocketFives members made it to 12 final tables and cashed for $11,505 total. bassmastercashed in three events, totaling $2,526. ValueTownhad two cashes, totaling $1,962. VegasJF took down the Weekend Warm-Up for $2,548.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for December 29, 2014
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for December 29, 2014

    This weekend in Nevada, six PocketFives members made it to eight final tables, cashing for $6,695. Mike ValueTownConnors (pictured) took down the Sunday $15K for $4,376, while Buttersand Handsomemaxx cashed in two events each.

  • Nevada Weekday Tournament Review for November 7, 2014
    Nevada Weekday Tournament Review for November 7, 2014

    This week in Nevada, eight PocketFives members made it to 13 final tables, cashing for over $6,000 collectively. ValueTown(pictured) had a first place finish. georgemcfly, LuckSackGMZ, scross, Sir, and ValueTown each impressively cashed twice this week.

  • Nevada Weekday Tournament Review for July 18, 2014
    Nevada Weekday Tournament Review for July 18, 2014

    In Nevada this week, WSOP.com ran all four $3,000 events as scheduled. All of the events exceeded the guarantees. This week, the Last Chance series was also included in the weekday results. That series concluded on July 17. Overall, there were 683 runners with a total prize pool of $84,275 and 119 spots being paid.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for July 14, 2014
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for July 14, 2014

    In Nevada, WSOP.com kicked off its weekend with ten major events including the Weekend Warm-Up $5,000 Guarantee, the Re-Entry R&A $3,000 Guarantee, the FreezeOut, and $15,000 Weekly Guarantee. The “Last Chance” series ran during the weekend and these results were also included. WSOP.com had 819 runners vying for the 122 available prizes totaling $98,925.

  • Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Mike Connors (ValueTown)
    Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player Mike Connors (ValueTown)

    PocketFives had the chance to chat with one of our newest members Mike ValueTownConnors (pictured). Mike has been a member since February 2014 and has been living in Vegas for the last five years. He has been playing online poker for over nine years. He likes playing cash games and prefers live to online. He […]