Tags : tilt

  • Jared Tendler: Poker’s Mental Mechanic
    Jared Tendler: Poker’s Mental Mechanic

    Jared Tendler has been a driving force behind the rapid advancement of theories and strategies surrounding poker’s ‘mental game’ over the past five years. His books, The Mental Game of Poker 1 & 2, have been a vital resource to many poker players struggling to overcome tilt issues, striving to achieve peak performance, or simply […]

  • Why You Can Use Your Emotions to Guide You…Sometimes
    Why You Can Use Your Emotions to Guide You…Sometimes

    As poker players, we’re frequently encouraged to believe that regular everyday human emotions are the enemy, and that they’re something we should strive to eliminate in order to play better poker. While this is grounded in some logic to the extent that it is true that our brains are better at logical calculation when they […]