Tags : strategy

  • Optimizing your Playing Environment for Online Poker
    Optimizing your Playing Environment for Online Poker

    Most serious poker players are aware of the impact that factors like game selection, mental game work, scheduling and time management can have on long-term profits, but there’s one factor that often gets overlooked. We know it’s important to stay as focused and relaxed as possible at the tables, but we rarely take time to […]

  • How to Talk Poker With Your Non-Poker Playing Friends
    How to Talk Poker With Your Non-Poker Playing Friends

    One surprisingly frequent question I get asked as a coach usually comes from younger poker players. These players are generally at an age when they’re less confident and secure in their own life choices, and more preoccupied with what others might think of them. The question at hand is fairly simple – “how do I […]

  • New Year, New You: Considering your Future in Poker
    New Year, New You: Considering your Future in Poker

    As 2016 becomes 2017, we reach the time of year when everyone starts manically trying to plan the next 12 months of their future in the space of a few days. While many poker players are ahead of the curve in understanding where they want to go in life, it’s easy to go through a […]

  • Poker Decisions Never as Simple as Right or Wrong
    Poker Decisions Never as Simple as Right or Wrong

    You Never Know if You’re Right or Wrong If you spend a lot of time discussing poker, you’ve almost certainly had a discussion with someone about a situation where they encountered a simple ‘call or fold’ decision. Very often, these discussions will come up purely because the player made the decision to call and ended […]

  • The Three Domains of Poker Learning
    The Three Domains of Poker Learning

    “A minute to learn, a lifetime to master” – that’s the old cliché about poker (along with a variety of other games, but we’ll forget about them), and it’s a well-founded statement to a degree. Of course the game is easy to pick up and learn, and of course, it takes time and effort to […]

  • The Connection Between Game Selection and Confidence
    The Connection Between Game Selection and Confidence

    When starting out in poker, one of the biggest obstacles for many players is a lack of confidence in their own game. Every decision is laced with uncertainty, and even a short run of bad results can lead to a complete dissolution of a player’s faith in their own abilities. The reason for this is […]

  • Mastering Your Schedule for More Profit
    Mastering Your Schedule for More Profit

    One of the most common questions I get asked early on in the coaching process is about putting together a structured, well-thought-out playing schedule for poker. Recreational players and aspiring professionals alike all have to deal with the reality that poker often has to take a back seat to ‘real-life’ issues – family, work, and […]

  • Learn How to Practice Emotional Control for Increased Profit
    Learn How to Practice Emotional Control for Increased Profit

    How to Practice Emotional Control Anyone who has done any work at all on their mental game as a poker player has heard a lot about the concept of ‘emotional control’. Traditional logic says it’s important to manage your emotions, not let them get out of hand, react as rationally as possible and never let […]

  • When it Comes to Poker, Simplicity is More Important than You Think
    When it Comes to Poker, Simplicity is More Important than You Think

    There are many qualities possessed to varying degrees by poker players all over the world – some are positive and some are negative, as with all things. One consistently intriguing and perhaps confusing reality, however, is that there is often some ambiguity as to which exact qualities belong in each category. An aptitude for simplicity […]

  • Structure the Way You Learn About Poker For Maximum Return
    Structure the Way You Learn About Poker For Maximum Return

    Making Economical Learning Decisions One of the most difficult aspects of attempting to make the leap from losing poker player to long-term winner is knowing what to learn, and when. Without a coach to guide you, it can be easy to get lost and develop a learning pattern that is somewhat scattered or haphazard. But […]

  • If You Think You’re Playing Your A-game, You’re Wrong
    If You Think You’re Playing Your A-game, You’re Wrong

    As a coach, I’ve had several experiences where students have discussed their recent playing sessions or hand histories with me and said something along the lines of, “I really felt like I was playing well at this point in the tournament”. What’s interesting about this statement is that it is actually entirely self-contradictory, for reasons […]

  • Focusing on the Poker is the Easiest Way to Get In ‘The Zone’
    Focusing on the Poker is the Easiest Way to Get In ‘The Zone’

    Focus: The Key to Better Decisions Novice poker players tend to spend a lot of time analyzing their results and trying to figure out the best way to generate a better win rate or a better ROI. This is partially because results are where the money comes from, and our society is inherently money-oriented, but […]

  • The Importance of Understanding Your Motivation for Playing Poker
    The Importance of Understanding Your Motivation for Playing Poker

    Testing Yourself and Staying Motivated for Poker One of the most common issues suffered by players who reach a certain point in their poker career is a fluctuation in motivation or passion for the game. Poker can be a cruel game from time to time, and we all experience periods where variance hits us a […]

  • How You Practice Dictates How You Will Perform at the Poker Table
    How You Practice Dictates How You Will Perform at the Poker Table

    Establishing A Deliberate Poker Practice A frequent area of concern for most poker beginners is how to manage the process of learning the game. After all, poker is a unique pursuit that requires a learning process very different to almost any other discipline. It’s very hard to construct a focused, structured learning program because every […]

  • Sofia Lovgren on Running Deep in Small Buy-in, Big Field Tourneys
    Sofia Lovgren on Running Deep in Small Buy-in, Big Field Tourneys

    If you don’t have $10,000 to play in the World Series of Poker Main Event, the highlight of your poker summer may very well be a small buy-in, huge field event like the Colossus, the Millionaire Maker, or the Monster Stack. After deep runs in both the Millionaire Maker and Colossus, 888 ambassador Sofia Lovgren […]