It was a good weekend to be high-stakes poker pro Sebastian Ruthenberg (pictured), who according to HighStakesDBwas up $570,000 total on Saturday and Sunday. He plays under the handle taktloss47on Full Tilt and raked in $209,000 on Saturday. The German followed that up with a $361,000 haul on Sunday.
Gus Hansen(pictured) is in the midst of the worst online poker downswing on the books. At $17.66 million in the hole, the Danish pro has more than doubled the losses of noataima, the second biggest money loser in recorded online history, according to HighStakesDB.
Earlier this week, PocketFives published an article about Dan Cates being up $1.5 million in Triple Draw in a two-week span. The Triple Draw games on Full Tilt Pokerhave been in full swing recently and included a 12-hour marathon session between Sebastian taktloss Ruthenberg and Gus Hansen (pictured) on Thursday.