Tags : restoring americas wire act

  • Rand Paul: “I’m Opposed to Restrictions on Online Gambling”
    Rand Paul: “I’m Opposed to Restrictions on Online Gambling”

    Republican Presidential hopeful Rand Paul (pictured), who announced his candidacy on Tuesday, has come out against Sheldon Adelson’s Restoring America’s Wire Act, or RAWA. The bill would ban internet gambling in the United States, even in the three states where it’s already regulated: New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware.

  • Poker Community Dismayed By RAWA Supporters’ Ignorance
    Poker Community Dismayed By RAWA Supporters’ Ignorance

    Wednesday’s hearing on Restoration of America’s Wire Actin the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations predictably featured much fear-mongering from the bill’s advocates, contrasted with cool-headed and fact-based testimony presented by its opponents. With the ability to watch the proceedings unfold online, the poker community got a front row seat and […]

  • PPA: “No Doubt” Anti-Internet Gambling Legislation Will Be Re-Introduced
    PPA: “No Doubt” Anti-Internet Gambling Legislation Will Be Re-Introduced

    We closed the 2014 calendar year focusing on legislation spearheaded by Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson called Restoring America’s Wire Act. The bill, which would have banned internet gambling and online poker in the US, ended up being stunted in the waning moments of Congress, but according to Poker Players AllianceExecutive Director John Pappas […]

  • Adelson’s Internet Gambling Prohibition Not Included in Final Spending Bill
    Adelson’s Internet Gambling Prohibition Not Included in Final Spending Bill

    The internet gambling world can breathe a collective sigh of relief, as, after a couple days’ sweat, Sheldon Adelson‘s (pictured) pet project, Restoring America’s Wire Act, did not make it into the final Congressional spending bill. The $1.1 trillion budget measure was agreed to on Tuesday and language banning internet gambling was not included.

  • PPA: No Hearing to Ban Internet Gambling During Lame Duck
    PPA: No Hearing to Ban Internet Gambling During Lame Duck

    According to a Tweet from the Poker Players Alliance(PPA), there will not be a hearing during the lame duck session of Congress to ban internet gambling in the United States. This should be welcome news for our community. The Tweet, which was posted by PPA Executive Director John Pappas on Monday, read in part, “Internet […]

  • PPA: “No Reason to Believe Sheldon Adelson Supports Online Poker in Any Form”
    PPA: “No Reason to Believe Sheldon Adelson Supports Online Poker in Any Form”

    In recent days, PokerUpdate and others have brought up the possibility of the Sheldon Adelson-backed Restoration of America’s Wire Act (S 2159, RAWA) adding a carve-out for online poker during the so-called “lame duck” Congressional session in November. PokerUpdate reported on Saturday, “As Chris Grove reported from C5’s US Online Gaming Conference, Bally Tech’s John […]