Tags : rawa

  • Uncertainty Continues to Reign Supreme on iPoker Legislative Front
    Uncertainty Continues to Reign Supreme on iPoker Legislative Front

    On the online gaming front, September raised more questions than answers, as two states continue to consider online gambling legalization and a new federal online gambling prohibition bill has surfaced in Congress. The Pennsylvania Senate’s unwillingness to act on the gaming reform bill the House passed back in July has created a cloud of uncertainty […]

  • Latest Attempt at Federal Online Gambling Ban Is Severely Flawed
    Latest Attempt at Federal Online Gambling Ban Is Severely Flawed

    Yet another attempt to prohibit online gambling at the federal level is afoot in the United States Senate, and Sheldon Adelson is widely believed to be the man behind it. Adelson’s war against online gambling began back in 2013 when he told Forbes Magazine he would spend whatever it takes to prohibit online gambling legalization. […]

  • RAWA Hearing Scheduled for December 9
    RAWA Hearing Scheduled for December 9

    According to the Poker Players Alliance, a hearing in the House Oversight Committee about the Sheldon Adelson-backed Restoring America’s Wire Act, or RAWA, is on tap for December 9. However, the hearing has not been officially announced on the committee’s website. RAWA would ban internet gambling in the United States, including in the three states […]

  • PPA Blasts Lindsey Graham Over Introduction of RAWA in Senate
    PPA Blasts Lindsey Graham Over Introduction of RAWA in Senate

    On Wednesday, while Congress was adjourned, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (pictured) introduced Restoring America’s Wire Act in the US Senate. The legislation, driven at the behest of Las Vegas Sands CEO Sheldon Adelson, bans internet gambling and online poker in the US.

  • Rand Paul: “I’m Opposed to Restrictions on Online Gambling”
    Rand Paul: “I’m Opposed to Restrictions on Online Gambling”

    Republican Presidential hopeful Rand Paul (pictured), who announced his candidacy on Tuesday, has come out against Sheldon Adelson’s Restoring America’s Wire Act, or RAWA. The bill would ban internet gambling in the United States, even in the three states where it’s already regulated: New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware.

  • Poker Community Dismayed By RAWA Supporters’ Ignorance
    Poker Community Dismayed By RAWA Supporters’ Ignorance

    Wednesday’s hearing on Restoration of America’s Wire Actin the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations predictably featured much fear-mongering from the bill’s advocates, contrasted with cool-headed and fact-based testimony presented by its opponents. With the ability to watch the proceedings unfold online, the poker community got a front row seat and […]