All aboard! Poker Refugeeshas launched a novel, new service to help players save money on airfare while traveling in comfort and style. It’s called Refugees Fly First Classand enables clients to fly in first or business class for 40% to 70% off normal flight prices. The service is open to anyone and is absolutely free […]
Changes in online gambling regulations are what originally inspired the design of a global relocation service for online poker players that would ultimately become Poker Refugees. Since Black Friday, we have continued to witness numerous changes in countries’ regulations as well as changes to online gaming providers’ internal operational policies, all of which affect professional […]
An upheaval of sorts could be in store for US online poker players who relocated to Mexico following Black Friday. According to iGaming Business, legislation could soon be passed in Mexico that would ring-fence that nation and could cause poker refugees to flee once more.
It has been a whirlwind last few years for Bill Christie (pictured), known on PocketFives as throwinphins. Just a few minutes after signing a lease on a home in Florida, Black Friday struck down his poker hopes and dreams, temporarily of course. With the help of Poker Refugees, he made the decision to relocate to […]