Tags : poker player

  • The Importance of Understanding Your Motivation for Playing Poker
    The Importance of Understanding Your Motivation for Playing Poker

    Testing Yourself and Staying Motivated for Poker One of the most common issues suffered by players who reach a certain point in their poker career is a fluctuation in motivation or passion for the game. Poker can be a cruel game from time to time, and we all experience periods where variance hits us a […]

  • Optimize Your Poker Process for Peak Performance
    Optimize Your Poker Process for Peak Performance

    No matter the context of your poker involvement – whether it’s as a recreational player, a ‘serious amateur’ or semi-professional, or a professional poker player making your living by grinding your way through the games, there’s a process attached to the way you play the game.

  • Trusting Your Instincts Will Help You Develop Better Instincts
    Trusting Your Instincts Will Help You Develop Better Instincts

    Learning to Trust Your Instincts In a variety of walks of life, we often hear the phrase “trust your instincts”. Whether it’s in sports, relationships, business, the arts or anything else, there seems to be an innate recognition of the role of ‘instinct’ in success at almost any level of almost any discipline.