Tags : poker goals

  • Daniel Negreanu Talks Goals, Intention and Dealing with Failure
    Daniel Negreanu Talks Goals, Intention and Dealing with Failure

    In the last few days of 2016, and the early days of 2017, a lot of people most likely sat down and came up with one or two or three New Year’s Resolutions. “New Year, New Me” they wrote at the top of the list. It may have included working harder, or losing weight, getting […]

  • What Are Your Poker Goals for 2015?
    What Are Your Poker Goals for 2015?

    We’re in the home stretch of 2014. In fact, just four days remain in this calendar year, which means it’s time to reflect on the year that was and create a few goals for 2015. In a thread in the Poker Community forum, posters were sharing their goals and aspirations for next year. Whether it […]