Tags : phil ivey lawsuit

  • Daniel Negreanu Calls Phil Ivey Edge-Sorting Verdict “Absurd”
    Daniel Negreanu Calls Phil Ivey Edge-Sorting Verdict “Absurd”

    Last week, a judge ruled against Phil Iveyin his high-stakes lawsuit against Crockfords casino in London, concluding that the poker pro had cheated by using edge-sorting to win $12.5 million at the baccarat tables. Daniel Negreanu (pictured), a six-time bracelet winner and friend of Ivey’s, was stunned by the verdict and had some harsh words […]

  • Phil Ivey Files Motion to Dismiss Borgata Edge-Sorting Lawsuit
    Phil Ivey Files Motion to Dismiss Borgata Edge-Sorting Lawsuit

    In April, the BorgataHotel, Casino, and Spa in Atlantic City filed a lawsuitin the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey against Phil Ivey (pictured), saying he allegedly cheated during several sessions of high-stakes baccarat in 2012 resulting winnings of nearly $10 million.

  • Daniel Negreanu Blasts Borgata for Edge-Sorting Lawsuit Against Phil Ivey
    Daniel Negreanu Blasts Borgata for Edge-Sorting Lawsuit Against Phil Ivey

    Daniel Negreanu (pictured) recently made his opinions about Borgata’s lawsuit against Phil Ivey abundantly clear, going on several 140-character-fueled tirades defending his friend on Twitter. The Atlantic City casino is suing the poker legend for $9.6 million, claiming he won the cash using a technique it considers to be illegal.