Tags : online poker regulation

  • 2020 Hopeful Andrew Yang Supports Federal Online Poker Regulation
    2020 Hopeful Andrew Yang Supports Federal Online Poker Regulation

    American online poker players who have been patiently waiting for a presidential candidate to support the legalization and regulation of online poker in their country had their patience rewarded on Saturday afternoon. Andrew Yang, one of the Democratic presidential candidates, took to Twitter to offer his thoughts on the issue and showed a broader understanding […]

  • New York Seems Poised to Pass Online Poker Regulation in 2017
    New York Seems Poised to Pass Online Poker Regulation in 2017

    While no state has legalized iGaming since 2013, New York joins Pennsylvania as a state prepared to do so in 2017. New York Sen. John Bonacic and Assemblyman Gary Pretlow have introduced identical legislation – S03898 and A05250 – in the New York Senate and Assembly that would redefine poker as a game of skill […]

  • Despite No New iGaming Regulations in 2016, Hope Remains for 2017
    Despite No New iGaming Regulations in 2016, Hope Remains for 2017

    Like years past, 2016 came and went without another state legalizing online gaming. Despite some serious hope in Michigan and Pennsylvania that an online gaming bill would pass in either state during the legislative session, the fact remains that no state has legalized online gaming since Delaware, Nevada, and New Jersey did so in 2013. […]

  • California Online Poker Dreams Continue to Be a Nightmare
    California Online Poker Dreams Continue to Be a Nightmare

    Barring an eleventh hour miracle, California’s latest attempt to pass an online poker bill appears to have suffered the same fate as the state’s previous efforts that date back nearly a decade.