This week in New Jersey, Baruch k1dpokr2010Krieger shipped the PartyPoker/Borgata $5,000 Guarantee on Monday night, collecting $1,300 after a heads-up chop. Taking down the network’s $10,000 Guarantee the same night was Dan RedsoxNets5 Sewnig, who will add an extra $2,626 to his bankroll.
This weekend in New Jersey, Ted ol mugginsEly made three final tables, winning the $10,000 Guarantee on PartyPoker/Borgata, finishing third in the 888 Big Sunday $10,000 Guarantee, and getting ninth in the 888 Poker/WSOP $10,000 Guarantee for a total of $3,621.
PocketFives had the chance to catch up with Englewood resident Ted ol mugginsEly (pictured, ranked 14th in New Jersey), who started playing poker in 2003 while attending school in Wisconsin. Ely plays under the handles olmugginson WSOP and Roystainon 888and PartyPoker after the fictional character in the movie “Better Off Dead.”