For online poker supporters, June could best be summed up with the first half of a famous Shakespeare line, as the month was full of sound fury in multiple state legislators. Unfortunately, July completed the quote, as thus far, all of the hullabaloo that occurred in June has signified nothing. Even though no less than […]
While Pennsylvania and California lawmakers try to hash out online gambling legislation, New York lawmakers have taken an interest in the industry as well. On Wednesday, the New York Senate Standing Committee on Racing, Gaming, and Wagering held a hearing to discuss the possibility of legalizing online poker in the Empire State. See the details.
State SenatorJohn Bonacic(R-Mt. Hope, pictured) recently created a buzz in the online poker community when he introduced a bill that would legalize the industry in the state of New York. But almost as soon as he unveiled the legislation, Bonacic made it clear that he didn’t expect the bill to pass anytime soon.
New Yorkcould soon be hopping into the online poker scene, as a bill to legalize and regulate the game was introduced in the state’s Senate in recent days. It’s numbered S 6913 and allows “Omaha Hold’em and Texas Hold’em poker as well as any other poker game that the Commission determines is the material equivalent […]