Tags : mike sirwatts watson

  • Dzivielevski Extends Online Poker Rankings Reign, Kelopuro Closes In
    Dzivielevski Extends Online Poker Rankings Reign, Kelopuro Closes In

    In the aftermath of the biggest online series of the spring, which this year included the 2021 PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker and the first-ever GGPoker Spring Festival, there are traditionally major shakeups in every section of the Online Poker Rankings. This year, a snapshot of the rankings, after the dust has cleared, paints […]

  • Sami Kelopuro Scores April Online Player of the Month Honors
    Sami Kelopuro Scores April Online Player of the Month Honors

    April was an absolutely mammoth month for Finnish high-stakes crusher Sami ‘LarsLuzak’ Kelopuro who bounced between the events of the GGPoker Spring Festival and the 2021 PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker to earn over $4.4 million and take down the title of April Online Player of the Month.

  • SCOOP: Salas Scores First SCOOP Title, Watson Wins Seventh
    SCOOP: Salas Scores First SCOOP Title, Watson Wins Seventh

    There’s just one week left in the 2021 PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker and as the start of the Main Events draws closer, the action is heating up. Wednesday’s highlights included the reigning WSOP Main Event champion tacking on another title while one of SCOOP’s most prolific players proved himself yet again.

  • Rui ‘RuiNF’ Ferreira Rises Into Online Poker Rankings Top 5
    Rui ‘RuiNF’ Ferreira Rises Into Online Poker Rankings Top 5

    For weeks now, the worldwide Online Poker Rankings have been a tight-knit crew. Brunno ‘bbotteon’ Botteon has held down the top spot for the past eight weeks and well-known names like Ivan ‘zufo16’ Zufic, Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson, and Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens have occupied their own positions inside the Top 5.

  • Brunno Botteon Kicks Off 2021 As January Player of the Month
    Brunno Botteon Kicks Off 2021 As January Player of the Month

    For many poker players, January is a time to get a fresh start. It’s a time to reset the stats, dedicate oneself to study, and hope that in the new year the work pays off and the results go to the moon. But for Brazil’s Brunno ‘bbotteon’ Botteon, a “fresh start” is not on the […]

  • Summer Heat Helps Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson To Career-High Ranking
    Summer Heat Helps Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson To Career-High Ranking

    The poker resume of Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson is overflowing with incredible achievements. From seven-figure scores to capturing major online titles, Canada’s current #1-ranked online crusher has added a new accolade by entering the elite air of the top five of the online poker rankings for the first time in his over 14 year career.

  • Chris ‘Gettin Daize’ Oliver Clinches September Monthly PLB Title
    Chris ‘Gettin Daize’ Oliver Clinches September Monthly PLB Title

    With some of the biggest online poker series of the summer concluding last month, it should be no surprise that the PocketFives Monthy PLB race for September was packed with some of the best players the online poker world has to offer. When the dust settled on the World Series of Poker Online series and […]

  • Brunno Botteon Continues Dominance, Ships Second WCOOP Title
    Brunno Botteon Continues Dominance, Ships Second WCOOP Title

    For the last six months, Brazilian Bruno Botteon has been on an absolute rampage on the online felt and on Thursday the #3-ranked player in the world took down a PokerStars World Championship of Online Poker title for the second time in his career.

  • SCOOP: Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson Wins Fourth Title
    SCOOP: Mike ‘SirWatts’ Watson Wins Fourth Title

    More PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) action took place on Tuesday, May 12, but the day was more about what’s to come than what happened. Only a few of the day’s events played to a completion, as several were two-day competitions that set up for big finishes on Wednesday.