Tags : lottery sit and go

  • Spin and Gos Eroding PokerStars’ Cash Game Traffic
    Spin and Gos Eroding PokerStars’ Cash Game Traffic

    The secret is out: Lottery Sit and Gos are popular. They caught on quickly when they were introduced by Winamaxin July 2013, again when they were launched by iPoker earlier this year, and yet again when Full Tiltand PokerStars.es got on board more recently. But they officially hit the prime time when PokerStarsrolled out its […]

  • Do Lottery-Style Sit and Gos Crush Cash Game Traffic?
    Do Lottery-Style Sit and Gos Crush Cash Game Traffic?

    Lottery-type sit and gos are the new big thing in online poker, the next wave of games to attract casual players after fast-fold tournaments. To review, lottery sit and gos are short-handed, hyper-turbo, single-table tournaments with small buy-ins ranging from $1 to $10. Typically winner-take-all, they feature randomly drawn prize pools that are announced once […]