Now that April 15th has passed, most people have fulfilled their tax obligations for 2014. For many, the filing process is complete and taxpayers have settled their balance with Uncle Sam (or are waiting on a refund). However, there are still some individuals who will have to do additional work before wrapping up their 2014 […]
Staking arrangements are prevalent in almost every poker tournament these days. It’s a great way to mitigate risk or play larger stakes than you normally would in order to increase your ROI. However, each year, the most prominent question poker players ask revolves around how to treat winnings when you have a backer or when […]
Now that tax season has passed, we at Kondler CPA wanted to share some tips on how to treat 2014 in order to be better equipped for your tax preparation in 2015. Even if you have not filed taxes in the past, it is never too late to take the proper steps to organize yourself […]