Tags : jungleman12

  • Dan Cates Loses $5 Million in Live Cash Games in Manila
    Dan Cates Loses $5 Million in Live Cash Games in Manila

    A few days ago, Dan Cates (pictured), who is known as junglemanonline, posted the following on Twitter rather nonchalantly: “Sooo Manila didn’t go well, only lost about 38m hkd(5m usd)… Gonna play some 5/10 online and take another shot.” Yes, not going “well” meant losing $5 million in high-stakes cash games in Manila.

  • And the Biggest Online Cash Game Winner of 2014 Was…
    And the Biggest Online Cash Game Winner of 2014 Was…

    We’re done with 2014, which means it’s time to look back on the year that was and dole out a few awards. PokerNewshighlighted the biggest cash game winners of the year and taking home the largest payday at $2.8 million on Full Tiltwas Dan “jungleman12” Cates (pictured).

  • Dan Cates Up Nearly $3 Million on Full Tilt This Year
    Dan Cates Up Nearly $3 Million on Full Tilt This Year

    About a week ago, PocketFives brought you an article about Dan “jungleman” Cates breaking $10 million in high-stakes winnings at Full Tilt Poker, a major milestone. Over the weekend, Cates (pictured) continued to roll, inching closer to $3 million in winnings on Full Tilt this year, according to HighStakesDB.

  • Dan Cates Hits $10 Million in High-Stakes Winnings at Full Tilt
    Dan Cates Hits $10 Million in High-Stakes Winnings at Full Tilt

    According to HighStakesDB, Dan “jungleman” Cates (pictured) has hit $10 million in winnings at the high-stakes tables on Full Tilt Poker. He reached the mark after scooping $677,000 in a marathon session on Saturday. According to the tracking site, Cates played for 26 hours with a scant one-hour break.

  • Dan Cates Up $1.5 Million in Triple Draw in Two Weeks
    Dan Cates Up $1.5 Million in Triple Draw in Two Weeks

    Dan “jungleman12” Cates (pictured) has been crushing the 2-7 Triple Draw tables online lately, having racked up more than $1.5 million in profits during the last two weeks, according to HighStakesDB.