Tags : joe barton

  • Joe Barton Introduces Internet Poker Freedom Act
    Joe Barton Introduces Internet Poker Freedom Act

    Let the barrage of online poker-related bills being introduced on Capitol Hill commence! On Thursday, one day after Senator Lindsey Graham introduced legislation to ban i-gamingin the US, Congressman Joe Barton (pictured) rolled out a bill to regulate internet poker.

  • Texas Gov Rick Perry: Legalized i-Gaming Creates “Internet Content Cops”
    Texas Gov Rick Perry: Legalized i-Gaming Creates “Internet Content Cops”

    In an op-ed that appeared in the National Review Online, Texas Governor Rick Perry (pictured) wrote about “Online Gambling’s Other Cost.” Perry also voiced concerns about internet gambling in March, when he sent a letter to the Judiciary Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives urging them to roll back the Department of Justice’s […]

  • PPA: “We Have Been Playing Defense Against the New Federal Bills”
    PPA: “We Have Been Playing Defense Against the New Federal Bills”

    We’re four months into 2014, a year that has been a mixed bag on the legislative front. While a bill proposed by Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) would lay the groundwork for regulated online poker in the US, bills from Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) would ban the game, including the legal markets […]