Tags : jeff sessions

  • New AG Jeff Sessions Apparently Considering New Online Gaming Ban
    New AG Jeff Sessions Apparently Considering New Online Gaming Ban

    During his confirmation hearing in early January, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he’d be open to revisiting the Justice Department’s interpretation of the Wire Act, which allowed states the opportunity to legalize online gaming. Just three months later, it appears Sessions may be following through with that intention. Within the past two weeks, the National […]

  • Jeff Sessions Open to Revisiting Key Wire Act Interpretation
    Jeff Sessions Open to Revisiting Key Wire Act Interpretation

    In the confirmation hearing this week regarding Sen. Jeff Sessions’ appointment as Attorney General, a brief exchange between Sessions and Sen. Lindsey Graham piqued the interest of the online poker world. Early in the eight-hour confirmation hearing, Graham asked Sessions for his thoughts on the Department of Justice’s 2011 interpretation of the Wire Act, which […]