Tags : iceland poker

  • Say Hello to the Top-Ranked Player in Iceland
    Say Hello to the Top-Ranked Player in Iceland

    Yes, there are poker players in Iceland. The country’s population is only a bit over 300,000 people, but there are still 79 PocketFivers from Iceland with PLB scores in our Iceland pokercommunity. Chief among them is Bmakk, who has been a member of our site since 2011 and recently hit $1 million in online tournament […]

  • PocketFives Finally Interviews a Player from Iceland
    PocketFives Finally Interviews a Player from Iceland

    We’re pretty sure this is one of the first, if not the first, interviews we’ve ever done with a poker player from Iceland. After all, the island nation has fewer than 150 registered PocketFives members, so percentage-wise Iceland is a tiny blip on the poker radar. However, in recent weeks, Hrannar Hallgrimsson (pictured), who is […]