Tags : ginger45

  • Poker Decisions Never as Simple as Right or Wrong
    Poker Decisions Never as Simple as Right or Wrong

    You Never Know if You’re Right or Wrong If you spend a lot of time discussing poker, you’ve almost certainly had a discussion with someone about a situation where they encountered a simple ‘call or fold’ decision. Very often, these discussions will come up purely because the player made the decision to call and ended […]

  • The Three Domains of Poker Learning
    The Three Domains of Poker Learning

    “A minute to learn, a lifetime to master” – that’s the old cliché about poker (along with a variety of other games, but we’ll forget about them), and it’s a well-founded statement to a degree. Of course the game is easy to pick up and learn, and of course, it takes time and effort to […]

  • Focusing on the Poker is the Easiest Way to Get In ‘The Zone’
    Focusing on the Poker is the Easiest Way to Get In ‘The Zone’

    Focus: The Key to Better Decisions Novice poker players tend to spend a lot of time analyzing their results and trying to figure out the best way to generate a better win rate or a better ROI. This is partially because results are where the money comes from, and our society is inherently money-oriented, but […]