Tags : edge sorting

  • Phil Ivey to Appeal Edge-Sorting Decision in Crockfords Case
    Phil Ivey to Appeal Edge-Sorting Decision in Crockfords Case

    Almost a month after the London High Court handed down its rulingin the case between poker pro Phil Ivey (pictured) and the London casino Crockfords, finding in favor of the casino, Ivey looks as if he will be appealing the decision.

  • Daniel Negreanu Calls Phil Ivey Edge-Sorting Verdict “Absurd”
    Daniel Negreanu Calls Phil Ivey Edge-Sorting Verdict “Absurd”

    Last week, a judge ruled against Phil Iveyin his high-stakes lawsuit against Crockfords casino in London, concluding that the poker pro had cheated by using edge-sorting to win $12.5 million at the baccarat tables. Daniel Negreanu (pictured), a six-time bracelet winner and friend of Ivey’s, was stunned by the verdict and had some harsh words […]

  • Judge Rules Against Phil Ivey in London Edge-Sorting Case
    Judge Rules Against Phil Ivey in London Edge-Sorting Case

    Poker legend Phil Ivey (pictured) took one of the most expensive beats of his career on Wednesday when a London judge dismissed his $12.5 million suit against Crockfords Casino, ruling that the 38-year-old’s actions had constituted cheating.

  • Phil Ivey: “My Job is to Lawfully Reverse or Reduce the Perceived House Edge”
    Phil Ivey: “My Job is to Lawfully Reverse or Reduce the Perceived House Edge”

    This week has featured poker pro Phil Ivey (pictured) spinning his side of his now infamous edge-sorting tale. Ivey, a 10-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner, has been in hot water on both sides of the Atlantic by virtue of allegedly edge-sorting in order to gain an advantage at forms of baccarat. As we […]

  • Phil Ivey’s Baccarat Partner Sues Foxwoods in New Edge-Sorting Case
    Phil Ivey’s Baccarat Partner Sues Foxwoods in New Edge-Sorting Case

    The woman who allegedly used the controversial technique known as edge-sorting to help Phil Ivey (pictured) win millions of dollars playing baccarat has filed a lawsuit against Foxwoods Resort Casino claiming she and two companions are owed over $3 million for gambling sessions that took place there in 2011.

  • Phil Ivey Files Motion to Dismiss Borgata Edge-Sorting Lawsuit
    Phil Ivey Files Motion to Dismiss Borgata Edge-Sorting Lawsuit

    In April, the BorgataHotel, Casino, and Spa in Atlantic City filed a lawsuitin the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey against Phil Ivey (pictured), saying he allegedly cheated during several sessions of high-stakes baccarat in 2012 resulting winnings of nearly $10 million.