Tags : delaware

  • U.S. Online Poker Players Win Big in Wire Act Interpretation Appeal
    U.S. Online Poker Players Win Big in Wire Act Interpretation Appeal

    In what is seen as a big win for interstate online poker, the First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of the New Hampshire Lottery Commission in their case against the U.S. Department of Justice and its revised opinion of the Wire Act.

  • American Pros Battle Their Way Into Online Poker’s Top 100
    American Pros Battle Their Way Into Online Poker’s Top 100

    It’s not easy to crack into online poker’s worldwide top-100 rankings. But for Americans who play inside U.S. borders on regulated sites, it’s even tougher. United States-based players don’t have access to the massive player pools and huge guarantees that some of the top players grind in order to rack up leaderboard points. For these […]

  • Interstate Online Poker Now Live in New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware
    Interstate Online Poker Now Live in New Jersey, Nevada, Delaware

    Online poker players have become accustomed to poker sites going offline for software updates. When WSOP.com went offline in Nevada on Monday night, it was one of the most highly anticipated updates of all time. When the site came back online, players were able to play against players in other states for the first time […]

  • WSOP.com Announces Interstate Liquidity Sharing Begins May 1
    WSOP.com Announces Interstate Liquidity Sharing Begins May 1

    Online poker players in New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware can now circle May 1 on their calendar as the day that everything will change. WSOP.com announced Monday morning that on that day, the player pools for all three states will combine into one.

  • New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware Enter Multi-State Player Pool Pact
    New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware Enter Multi-State Player Pool Pact

    In what could be a boost to the existing regulated online poker market in the United States, New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware, the three states where online poker has been legalized and regulated, have agreed to a multi-state pact to begin player pools.