Tags : chaostheory

  • Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman Widens Lead in Nevada Rankings
    Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman Widens Lead in Nevada Rankings

    After taking hold of top spot in the Nevada rankings in February, Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman made sure there was no changing of the guard in March. After holding down a 233-point lead last month over second place, Steinman widened his lead to over 500 points. He now sits with 2,393 points as the state’s top-ranked […]

  • Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman Climbs to #1 Ranking in Nevada
    Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman Climbs to #1 Ranking in Nevada

    There’s a new top dog in town in Nevada. After entering the top 10 of the PocketFives Rankings for Nevada in the beginning of January, Ian ‘APokerJoker2’ Steinman is now the new #1 player in the state.

  • Nevada Rankings: ‘APokerJoker2’ Second After 12 Wins in January
    Nevada Rankings: ‘APokerJoker2’ Second After 12 Wins in January

    It’s amazing how quickly the PocketFives Rankings can change in one short month. It took only four weeks for Ian ‘APokerJoker2‘ Steinmanof Carson City to crack the top 10 of the rankings in Nevada and climb all the way to #2.

  • Nevada Rankings: ‘ChaosTheory’, ‘MastAAce08’ Outpacing Field
    Nevada Rankings: ‘ChaosTheory’, ‘MastAAce08’ Outpacing Field

    It’s a two-man race for the top spot in PocketFives’ Nevada rankings right now between ‘ChaosTheory’and ‘MastAAce08’. The former is currently ranked #1 in the state with a PLB score of 1,971 points, while MastAAce08 trails by just 67. The two are 400 points ahead of the #3 ranked player in Nevada.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for December 21, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for December 21, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, 13 PocketFives members made it to 19 final tables and cashed for $13,894 collectively, or 19% of the total prize pool. ChaosTheorytook down the Sunday $10K Re-Loader for $3,554, while DatDude, iLvpoon, and wsopfreezer each had three cashes.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for October 26, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for October 26, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, 14 PocketFives members made it to 19 final tables and cashed for $17,819 collectively, or 27% of the total prize pool. MastAAce08won the Saturday Night $3K for $1,702, ChaosTheory took down the Saturday Weekend Warm-Up for $2,627, and Lindeyloo22 won $3,535 for finishing first in the Sunday $10K Re-Loader.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for September 14, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for September 14, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, 19 PocketFives members made it to 26 final tables and cashed for $22,571 collectively, or 33% of the total prize pool. ChaosTheorytook down the Sunday $10K Re-Loader for $3,836 and placed fourth in both the Saturday $3K Re-Entry and Sunday $3K Nightly event for a total of $5,470. PaulDewald (pictured) was […]

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 24, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 24, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, 11 PocketFives members made it to 15 final tables and cashed for $11,135 collectively, or 13% of the available prize pool. ChaosTheory, Enigmata, and lindeyloo22 each had first place finishes this weekend.

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 17, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 17, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, 13 PocketFives members made it to 18 final tables and cashed for $11,506 collectively, or 17% of the available prize pool. ChaosTheoryled the way with over $3,100 in winnings. JCHAK(pictured) had the most cashes at three and took home over $1,373. Only one PocketFiver finished in first place, as ColHanzLanda won […]

  • Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 10, 2015
    Nevada Weekend Tournament Review for August 10, 2015

    This weekend in Nevada, eight PocketFives members made it to 15 final tables and cashed for $16,089, or 21% of the available prize pool. ChaosTheorytook down the Weekly Warmup for $2,436 and cashed in two other events for a total of $4,246. ChaosTheory was featured last week in an interview with PocketFives.

  • Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player ChaosTheory
    Heads-Up with Nevada Poker Player ChaosTheory

    PocketFives had the opportunity to chat with Nevada’s ChaosTheory. With $10,000 in wins on WSOP.com, he also had impressive pre-Black Friday results on Full Tilt, with lifetime earnings of over $214,000. Visit PocketFives’ Nevada poker community for the latest news and discussion from Nevada players.