Tags : cal anderson

  • Rankings: Transplants and Locals Comprise Mexico’s Top 10
    Rankings: Transplants and Locals Comprise Mexico’s Top 10

    Mexico represents a break in the typical paradigm of country rankings. The combination of post-Black Friday players from the United States and other foreign transplants make up most of the top-10 in the country. The local players do well for themselves also, as the current rankings would suggest.

  • cal42688 Wins Second WCOOP Bracelet, Up to 8 COOP Titles
    cal42688 Wins Second WCOOP Bracelet, Up to 8 COOP Titles

    On Friday, longtime PocketFiver Cal cal42688Anderson (pictured) won his second PokerStars World Championship of Online Pokerbracelet. He took down a $320 Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo Six-Max tournament for $36,000, defeating a field of 649.

  • Calvin Anderson (cal42688) Wins First WSOP Bracelet
    Calvin Anderson (cal42688) Wins First WSOP Bracelet

    “I wouldn’t say it was easy; I just ran really good.” Those were comments from Calvin cal42688Anderson to World Series of Poker staff after his victory on Sunday at the Rio in a $1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Eight or Better tournament. “Seven Stud Hi-Lo isn’t a game where you can just start bluffing people […]