The heyday of online poker provided many players with the chance to earn money and gain notoriety by representing a site through wearing a patch while playing. We all know why that stopped becoming a fad but players in New Jersey have been granted that opportunity through the regulation of online poker in the state. […]
The Event Center inside The Borgata has been buzzing this entire week with players taking their shot in the Winter Poker Open $2,000,000 guaranteed opening event. Over 4,000 entrants are anticipated to register when all is said and done, with a crop of top New Jersey online players among them.
Much like the first month of 2016, the second month of the new year hasn’t changed the players at the top of the New Jersey Online Poker Rankings, but it has changed their order. Last month, Mike ‘JohnnyDrama’ Haberman was atop that list, but after three players continued to crush through February, Haberman finds himself […]