Tags : arsenii hellohellohello malinov

  • Dzivielevski Extends Online Poker Rankings Reign, Kelopuro Closes In
    Dzivielevski Extends Online Poker Rankings Reign, Kelopuro Closes In

    In the aftermath of the biggest online series of the spring, which this year included the 2021 PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker and the first-ever GGPoker Spring Festival, there are traditionally major shakeups in every section of the Online Poker Rankings. This year, a snapshot of the rankings, after the dust has cleared, paints […]

  • Six Years Later, Brazil’s Yuri Dzivielevski Takes #1 Once Again
    Six Years Later, Brazil’s Yuri Dzivielevski Takes #1 Once Again

    For the first time in six years, Brazilian Yuri ‘Yuri Martins’ Dzivielevski returned to the worldwide #1 ranking in the latest Online Poker Rankings. After months of flirting with the top spot, Dzivielevski finally broke through thanks to his incredible heads-up comeback victory against high-roller tournament savant Michael Addamo in this week’s edition of the […]

  • Portugal’s Rui Ferreira, Joao Vieira Pressure ‘Giraf’ for #1 Spot
    Portugal’s Rui Ferreira, Joao Vieira Pressure ‘Giraf’ for #1 Spot

    A quick glance at this week’s Online Poker Rankings gives off the impression that not much has changed. Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens, the United Kingdom-based online MTT crusher, retained the #1 spot for the second week in a row while nine of last week’s top 10 ranked players remained in the top 10.

  • Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens Takes Over Online Poker’s Top Spot
    Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens Takes Over Online Poker’s Top Spot

    A major shakeup in this week’s Online Poker Rankings saw UK online crusher Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens jumping up from the #2 spot to assume the #1 rank for the fourth time in his career and ending the three-month-long reign of Brunno ‘bbotteon’ Botteon.

  • Russian Arsenii Malinov Returns to Online Poker Rankings Top 10
    Russian Arsenii Malinov Returns to Online Poker Rankings Top 10

    This week Russian high-stakes tournament pro Arsenii ‘hellohellohello’ Malinov catapulted back into the Online Poker Rankings top 10 after a string of high profile cashes helped him rise 26 spots to land at #9 in the world.