Tags : amaya gaming

  • Amaya Chief David Baazov Buys $1.7 Million in Common Shares
    Amaya Chief David Baazov Buys $1.7 Million in Common Shares

    According to iGaming Business and other news outlets, Amaya Gaming Chairman and Chief Executive David Baazov purchased 110,000 common shares of his company’s stock for a total price of $1.7 million. The news comes just two weeks after Amaya’s shares dipped by 28% in a single day.

  • New Jersey DGE Doing “Comprehensive Review” of Amaya’s PokerStars Purchase
    New Jersey DGE Doing “Comprehensive Review” of Amaya’s PokerStars Purchase

    According to iGaming Businessand other outlets, the seemingly lengthy delay of PokerStarsgetting licensed in New Jersey has to do with a “thorough, comprehensive review” by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement.

  • Who Are Canadian Authorities Targeting in the Amaya Gaming Investigation?
    Who Are Canadian Authorities Targeting in the Amaya Gaming Investigation?

    Since the 2014 raid by Canadian authorities on the offices of Amaya Gaming, the owners of PokerStarsand Full Tilt Poker, as well as two investment banks that were allegedly involved in that transaction, there hasn’t been much information released. Earlier this week, however, the Canadian courts changed that by releasing some information that allows people […]

  • Amaya’s NASDAQ Debut Coming June 8
    Amaya’s NASDAQ Debut Coming June 8

    If you think Amaya Gaming, which owns PokerStarsand Full Tiltand is reportedly in talks to buy bwin.party, is going to explode in value, now is your time to cash in. This week, Amaya was green-lit for listing on the NASDAQ Global Select Market. Its shares will begin trading on June 8.

  • PokerStars Ends Lifetime Rev-Share for Affiliates
    PokerStars Ends Lifetime Rev-Share for Affiliates

    In a blockbuster announcement on Friday, the first day of May, PokerStarsannounced that it’s ending lifetime rev-share for affiliates, including PocketFives. An email sent to us on Friday morning read in part, “From June 1, 2015, PokerStars will pay revenue shares to affiliates for only the first two years of activity on a player’s account. […]

  • Amaya to Purchase DraftDay?
    Amaya to Purchase DraftDay?

    One of the biggest rumors this week in the online poker world has Amaya Gaming, the parent company of PokerStarsand Full Tilt, purchasing DraftDay, a US-facing daily fantasy sports site.

  • PokerStars Accepts First Sports Bet, Launching Daily Fantasy Sports
    PokerStars Accepts First Sports Bet, Launching Daily Fantasy Sports

    During the announcement of the company’s financials for the previous year, Amaya GamingChief Executive Officer David Baazov(pictured) announced an extremely optimistic outlook in New Jersey and globally due to new innovations.

  • Caesars, PokerStars Teaming Up Against Sheldon Adelson
    Caesars, PokerStars Teaming Up Against Sheldon Adelson

    Late last week, Caesars Entertainment reversed its long-held stance that PokerStars should not be permitted access to the United States online poker market, a change that has been lauded by the industry. This week, the company took the next step, telling Chris Krafcik of Gambling Compliance that it was time to not only support PokerStars, […]

  • US Regulatory Agency Investigating Amaya Over PokerStars Purchase
    US Regulatory Agency Investigating Amaya Over PokerStars Purchase

    Following an ongoing investigation by the Canadian regulatory agency for financial transactions, an agency in the United States has also launched an investigation into Amaya Gaming and its purchase of PokerStars in 2014.

  • Full Tilt on New Jersey SNAFU: “At No Time Was a Real Money App Available”
    Full Tilt on New Jersey SNAFU: “At No Time Was a Real Money App Available”

    According to a variety of sites, including Online Poker Report, Amaya Gaming has asserted that a mobile pop-up alerting players that real money Full Tilt games were available in New Jersey was an error. Call it a Garden State SNAFU that briefly energized the community that Full Tilt was going to enter the market effective […]

  • Lawmaker: PokerStars Will Launch in New Jersey in March
    Lawmaker: PokerStars Will Launch in New Jersey in March

    According to State Senator Raymond Lesniak (pictured), PokerStars, the world’s largest online poker site, will launch in New Jersey in March. Now that the so-called “lame duck” session of Congress in the US is behind us and lawmakers around the country have taken their posts, the focus in New Jersey may now shift to PokerStars […]

  • The Top Five Poker Stories of 2014
    The Top Five Poker Stories of 2014

    As 2015 officially begins, we take a look back at five of the biggest poker news stories of 2014. At the end of the article, let us know what other headlines you thought were memorable this year.

  • Amaya’s Stock Tumbles 18% with Insider Trading Probe
    Amaya’s Stock Tumbles 18% with Insider Trading Probe

    On Thursday, PocketFives brought you an article about Canadian officials showing up at the offices of Amaya Gaming, the owners of PokerStars and Full Tilt, reportedly due to insider trading associated with the company’s purchase of the Rational Group back in June. As you might guess, a visit from the fuzz didn’t go over too […]

  • Canadian Police Raid Amaya Offices
    Canadian Police Raid Amaya Offices

    According to Forbes, Canadian officials raided the offices of Amaya Gamingin Montreal on Wednesday. According to the company, which purchased PokerStars and Full Tilt in June for $4.9 billion, the investigation centers on “trading activities in Amaya securities surrounding the Corporation’s acquisition of [PokerStars and Full Tilt] in 2014.”

  • PokerStars Launching Sports Betting and Casino Games Globally
    PokerStars Launching Sports Betting and Casino Games Globally

    On Friday, PokerStarsannounced that it will roll out blackjack and roulette “on a market-by-market basis beginning this month with completion anticipated by the end of 2014 reaching nearly half PokerStars’ current player base. PokerStars will add sports betting and other popular casino games in 2015. It also plans to launch a fully-featured casino on mobile […]