SUNDAY MAJORS: ‘Sentapied99’ Goes Back-to-Back on partypoker
SUNDAY MAJORS: ‘Sentapied99’ Goes Back-to-Back on partypoker

This week’s PokerStars Sunday Million saw three players turn $215 into over $100,000 after the final four agreed to a deal. ‘Rohlik2’ was awarded the biggest share of the $1,276,000 prize pool and banked $121,844, but it was ‘Adam4_Condor’ who took the first-place glory and netted $117,195 after the deal.

‘Rohlik2’ eventually departed in fourth-place with ‘vidi.pkr‘ claimed the bronze medal in third for $89,558, which left ‘nielssie88′ to be the final player to fall from the 6,382-entry field and claim their prize of $109,027 as runner-up.

Elsewhere, ‘Sentapied99′ achieved quite the feat after winning the partypoker $1,050 Super Sunday Big Bounty Hunter-HR for the second week in a row. After coming through the 420-player field last week for $40,110, they this time outlasted 327 entrants to claim victory for $31,719 and the honor of defending his title.

Michael ‘mczhang’ Zhang also had a Sunday to remember after final tabling two majors which included victory in the partypoker $2,600 SHR. Zhang took sixth-place in the PokerStars $2,100 Sunday High Roller, good for $12,195, and added another $53,662 to his bankroll after coming through the tough partypoker $2,600 SHR final table which included; Roman ‘Sanitywaterline’ Romanovsky, current PocketFives  #1-ranked ‘HellmuthTheGr8‘ and the winner of this tournament last week, ‘BenRichards1.’

Sweden’s ‘TanTanSWE’ added another $36,910 to their already impressive $5.6m in online earnings after winning the PokerStars $530 Bounty Builder High Roller. TanTanSWE‘ came through the 896-player field to record the victory after seeing out ‘ale6ka’ into second-place, who took away $27,055.

After well-known MTT player ‘Bencb789‘ took down the PokerStars $215 Sunday Warm-Up last week, it was ‘losos007’ who this week felt that winning feeling after outlasting the 1,304 entrants to take the title and the first-place prize of $40,653. ‘Alexxxd3’ was their adversary heads-up but they could not go the distance and claimed $29,501 for second-place.

‘justwhackit’ was this week’s partypoker $109 Super Sunday Main Event champion after beating Brazil’s Fabiano ‘ChicoRaise’ Kovalski heads-up. The Brazilian’s silver medal reward was $23,840 with ‘justwhackit’ winning $33,620 after overcoming the 1,944 player field.

In partypoker’s $530 HR Super Sunday Main Event, it was ‘lena900’ who was the last player remaining after seeing off partypoker pros Dzmitry Urbanovich‘ and Joao Simao before defeating ‘Z-ENERGIES‘ in a heads-up battle. It would seem the final two players agreed on a deal before playing for the added first-place prize with ‘Z-ENERGIES’ taking away $32,543 for second and ‘lena900’ awarded $35,516 for first.

Over on 888poker, 65 entrants came together to do battle in the $1,050 buy-in $100,000 Gtd Whale event with ‘bigblindbets’ going the distance and claimed the $30,000 first-place prize. Roman ‘Romeopro33‘ Romanovsky was the runner-up for $20,000 with Russia’s ‘CalmRevolver‘ taking $15,000 in third.

‘checcmate’ was able to live up to their name and beat the 377 entrants in the $215 Sunday Mega Deep to claim the first-place prize of $19,250. ‘genbab10’ was the unlucky player to fall at the final hurdle and took $14,250 for second-place.

PokerStars Sunday Million ($200 + $15 NLHE) $1M Guaranteed
6,382 entrants, $1,276,400 prize pool

  1. Adam4_Condor – *$117,195.36
  2. nielssie88 – *$109,027.22
  3. vidi.pkr – *$89,558.47
  4. Rohlik2 – *121,844.39
  5. flauschi16 – $41,789.08
  6. Fran-Dutch – $29,326.31
  7. WS Lynx – $20,580.29
  8. Platzhirsch – $14,442.59
  9. florilos – $10,135.38

*Denotes a four-way deal

PokerStars $2,100 Sunday High Roller, $150k Gtd
110 entrants, $220,000 prize pool 

  1. imluckbox – $50,386.35
  2. Mad4it4life – $37,939.37
  3. blanconegro – $28,567.22
  4. Berndsen12 – $21,510.25
  5. Sphinx87 – $16,196.57
  6. mczhang – $12,195.52
  7. RJYJYR – $9,182.86
  8. Moloz345 – $6,914.42
  9. Zwyyyy – $6,098.90

PokerStars $530 Bounty Builder High Roller, $300k Gtd
896 entrants, $448,000 prize pool

  1. TanTanSWE – $36,910.83
  2. ale6ka – $27,055.21
  3. Vokobyarrrrr – $19,831.39
  4. IAmSoSo – $14,536.34
  5. marcelomig – $10,655.09
  6. dammsugarn – $7,810.16
  7. munchenHB – $5,724.83
  8. Mysters_Y – $4,196.28
  9. Idog1974 – $3,075.85

PokerStars $215 Sunday Warm-Up $200k Gtd
1,304 entrants, $260,800 prize pool

  1. losos007 – $40,653.70
  2. Alexxxd3 – $29,501.43
  3. BanicIvan – $21,409.17
  4. Mortan23 – $$15,536.63
  5. camerofelix – $$11,274.93
  6. djleet1337 – $$8,182.20
  7. Manjelleg – $5,937.81
  8. Stulle18 – $4,309.06
  9. Bayesian – $3,127.09

partypoker $109 Super Sunday Main Event-H $200k Gtd
1,944 entrants, $200,000 prize pool

  1. justwhackit – $33,620
  2. ChicoRaise – $23,840
  3. Gancas09 – $15,500
  4. Barsukeen – $10,320
  5. Kuukupoopotin – $7,300
  6. misclckmason – $5,080
  7. WuHuu3Bet – $3,500
  8. felipesinop – $2,280

partypoker $530 Super Sunday Main Event-HR $200k Gtd
415 entrants, $207,500 prize pool

  1. lena900 – $35,516.25
  2. Z-ENERGIES – $32,543
  3. k2Schogori – $19,505
  4. DrMiKee – $13,695
  5. HAMENAKE – $9,794
  6. Dzmitry_Urbanov – $7,138
  7. mafaka1 – $5,042.25
  8. joasimaobh – $3,672.75

partypoker $2,600 Sunday Major – SHR $200k Super High Roller
81 entrants, $202,500 prize pool

  1. mczhang – $53,662.50
  2. MentulaMagna – $37,462.50
  3. SanityWaterline – $26,325
  4. BenRichards1 – $18,225
  5. HellmuthTheGr8 – $14,175
  6. WelshWizard – $10,631.25
  7. Cool_Dave – $8,606.25
  8. PhileasFogg – $7,087.50

partypoker $1,050 Super Sunday Big Bounty Hunter-HR $300k Gtd
327 entrants, $327,000 prize pool

  1. Sentapied99 – $31,719
  2. EggsBenedict – $22,890
  3. whresmymind – $15,859.50
  4. catchinwreck – $11,363.25
  5. A3APTEH – $8,093.25
  6. Dalmatass107 – $6,000.45
  7. CropDustr – $4,169.25
  8. JappieGamble – $3,041.10

888poker $1,050 The $100,000 Whale
65 entrants – $100,000 prize pool

  1. bigblindbets – $30,000
  2. Romeopro33 – $20,000
  3. CalmRevolver – $15,000
  4. Chikky11k – $10,000
  5. UrShitStorm – $7,500
  6. wellyxx – $5,500
  7. Bullflag – $4,500
  8. Dmilito22 – $4,000
  9. boss7210 – $3,500

888poker $215 Sunday Mega Deep
377 entrants – $100,000 prize pool

  1. checcmate – $19,250
  2. genbab10 – $14,250
  3. mndlssbrnt – $10,750
  4. TrollKonst8 – $7,750
  5. Canette_15 – $5,250
  6. HmbleBmble – $3,750
  7. lrdvoldemort – $2,750
  8. Ezreaal – $2,250