Shaun Deeb Wins Third WCOOP Bracelet
Shaun Deeb Wins Third WCOOP Bracelet

Writing about longtime PocketFiver Shaun shaundeebDeeb (pictured) never gets old. Over the weekend, Deeb won his third PokerStars World Championship of Online Pokerbracelet, his first in the last five years. This time, Deeb took down a $215 No Limit Hold’em Four-Max tournament.

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The PokerStars Blog painted a pretty accurate portrayal of how much Deeb’s life has changed since he last sniffed WCOOP gold: “He left the United States and relocated to Mexico to continue playing online. He got married. He became a father. He won five SCOOP titles and almost made it six this past spring. A little over three months ago, he added a WSOP bracelet to his ever-expanding list of poker accomplishments.”

Deeb is now tied with a handful of players for the second most WCOOP bracelets won at three, trailing fellow PocketFiver Dan djk123 Kelly’s (pictured) record of four. Deeb holds the record for the most number of total COOP titles with eight.

The Four-Max event drew 1,593 entrants and had just over an $80,000 overlay. Deeb was a 2:1 dog by the time heads-up rolled around, but hit trip aces with A-9 versus pocket kings to move out in front for good. On the final hand, Deeb drew out on A-K with A-8 after a miracle eight on the river to give him his third WCOOP title and $68,000 in cash.

His 2010 WCOOP win was in a $1,050 No Limit Hold’em event and was good for almost a quarter-of-a-million dollars officially. Two years before that, he took down a $320 Pot Limit Omaha Rebuy for $144,000.

PocketFives has tallied $6.1 million in online tournament winnings for Deeb. He was ranked #1 on our site in 2009 and has piled up 3,084 in the money finishes over the years at an average of $2,000 apiece.

In the live arena, he has over $2 million in tournament winnings according to the Hendon Mob and won a bracelet in this year’s PLHE Championship at the WSOP for $318,000.

Congrats to Deeb on his big WCOOP victory! Visit PokerStars for the latest on the final week of the series.

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