Sebastian Sorensson Turns Satellite Into PSC Barcelona Victory
Sebastian Sorensson Turns Satellite Into PSC Barcelona Victory
Sebastian Sorensson entered PSC Barcelona on a 0 satellite and turned that into over ,000,000.

The PokerStars Championship season continued at the familiar stomping grounds of Barcelona, home to many former European Poker Tour titles. The always massive and talented field played down to a final table over the course of nearly a week of play and was headlined by PokerStars Team Pro Andre Akkari along with PSC Monte Carlo Main Event champion Raffaele Sorrentino.

As is the case many times in poker though, any player can win and that is what occurred as PokerStars online qualifier Sebastian Sorensson topped the field of 1,682 to win the title.

It would be 21 hands before the first player hit the rail and that dubious honor went to Usman Siddique. Akkari opened to 550,000 with Js8s and Siddique shoved for 5,125,000 in the cutoff with 6h6d. Brian Kaufman reshoved for slightly more holding AcKc and Akkari dumped his hand. The Tc4h4dKdQd board paired Kaufman’s king and Siddique was eliminated.

Almost 80 hands later, it was Akkari’s turn to depart. Lachezar Petkov shoved the small blind with Ah9s and Akkari called for his last 15 blinds with 4d4h. The 6c6h5s flop put counterfeit outs in play and the Qs turn added to Petkov’s possibilities. The 5c river made Petkov’s ace-high the best hand and Akkari left the final table stage in fifth place.

Shortly after Akkari busted, Kaufman followed him out the door. Kaufman moved all-in for 4,700,000 with KhQh and Sorensson called for most of his stack with AhQs. Sorensson survived the Js4h2s5hTs runout and locked up the elimination.

The final three players started negotiations following Kaufman’s elimination and did a save for the remaining €100,000 in prize money.

In Hand 118, Sorensson raised to 3,900,000 with 3d3h in the small blind with the blinds at 400,000/800,000, and Sorrentino moved all in with two over cards AhQd. Sorensson called and held through the 6c6d2h7dJh board to secure the hand and bring a large advantage into heads up play.

With the blinds at 800,000/1,600,000, Petkov shoved with Kc9h and Sorensson called with AcKh. The As3c2d flop locked up the hand for Sorensson and he claimed the title along with €987,043 for first place.

Final Table Payouts

  1. Sebastian Sorensson – €987,043*
  2. Lachezar Plamenov Petkov – €917,347*
  3. Raffaele Sorrentino – €850,110*
  4. Brian Kaufman Esposito – €402,000
  5. Andre Akkari – €317,960
  6. Usman Siddique – €252,000

*Denotes three-way deal