RANKINGS: #1 ‘C Darwin2’ Just Won’t Let Anybody Catch Him
RANKINGS: #1 ‘C Darwin2’ Just Won’t Let Anybody Catch Him

For as long as ‘C Darwin2‘s current run at the top of the PocketFives Rankings has lasted a new challenger emerged each week, rising up the rankings with the hopes of knocking the Swedish superstar off the throne. Even after a week where he picked up no qualifying cashes, ‘C Darwin2’ still held off every challenger and continues to hold a massive lead over the rest of the top 25.

Steven ‘SvZff’ van Zadelhoff moved back up to #3 from #5 thanks to three qualifying cashes. He finished runner-up in a PokerStars $530 Bounty Builder High Roller for $11,748 and 192.35 PLB points, fourth in an America’s Cardroom High Roller for $6,520/124.26 and then ended his week with a runner-up finish in a partypoker Monday Main Event for $16,015/212.76. He now sits 851.44 points behind #2-ranked ‘lena900‘.

After jumping up to #3 last week, Ramiro ‘Ramiro’ Petrone dropped one spot to #4 while ‘European‘ moved up one spot to #5.

Conor ‘1_conor_b_1’ Beresford moved back into the top 10 this week, jumping from #12 to #8. Beresford put together a solid week, collecting six qualifying cashes for 1,409.07 PLB points. His biggest score of the week came in the partypoker Sunday Major High Roller where he topped a field of 481 players to win $39,748.83 and 490.41 points.

Former #1-ranked Fabrizio ‘SixthSenSe19’ Gonzalez moved from to #32 all the way up to #19. Gonzalez had six qualifying cashes, adding 1,571.81 points to his total. Of those six cashes, two were wins and his earnings topped $120,555.

Two players dropped out of the top 25. Sweden’s Jerry ‘perrymejsen’ Ödeen fell from #23 to #26 and Brazilian ‘sitpro2011‘ slipped from #25 to #35.

PocketFives Rankings Top 25

1 C Darwin2 11,025.73 1
2 lena900 9,725.56 2
3 Steven ‘SvZff’ van Zadelhoff 8,874.12 5
4 Ramiro ‘Ramiro’ Petrone 8,805.51 3
5 European 8,622.72 6
6 Roman ‘Romeopro’ Romanovsky 8,594.02 4
7 hellohellohello 8,457.70 7
8 Conor ‘1_conor_b_1’ Beresford 8,306.56 12
9 Andres ‘probirs’ Nemeth 8,049.90 8
10 Johannes ‘Greenstone25’ Korsar 7,998.15 10
11 Guntis ‘lovefee’ Aleskins 7,923.17 15
12 kofi89 7,767.25 11
13 Ariados 7,729.91 9
14 josef_shvejk 7,464.67 14
15 Sheater 7,393.64 13
16 Denis ‘Flat’ Timofeev 7,301.26 17
17 NoPlanB 7,208.25 18
18 Patrick ‘pleno1’ Leonard 7,112.58 19
19 Fabrizio ‘SixthSenSe19’ Gonzalez 7,083.56 32
20 Jonathan ‘proudflop’ Proudfoot 7,074.23 20
21 Joao ‘joaosimaobh’ Simao 7,011.93 16
22 Pim ‘joppiesaus’ de Goede 6,862.59 21
23 Pedro ‘PaDiLhA SP’ Padilha 6,791.10 24
24 Andreas ‘r4ndomr4gs’ Berggren 6,735.99 22
25 Gary ‘quiditbear’ Hasson 6,601.33 27