PACOOP: ‘ButtonM@sher’ Wins Super Tuesday, ‘wolfofbrdst’ Ships Win #2
PACOOP: ‘ButtonM@sher’ Wins Super Tuesday, ‘wolfofbrdst’ Ships Win #2

The PokerStars Pennsylvania Championship of Online Poker continued Tuesday with two more events featuring two of the series’ most active players picking up wins.

ButtonM@sher‘, who already has a runner-up finish and four other PACOOP cashes, took down their first title while ‘wolfofbrdst‘ became the second Pennsylvania player to win a second title.

‘ButtonM@sher’ Breaks Through in Super Tuesday

Four days after falling one spot short of the win in Event #20 ($300 Eight Game Mixed), ‘ButtonM@sher’ topped the 262-entry field in Event #32 ($200 Super Tuesday SE) to win $9,617.42. ‘$tacksMcgee‘ finished as runner-up and earned $7,168.35 while ‘dontphnkwmy<3‘ finished third for their 9th cash of the series earning $5,343.01.

The 262 entries came from 190 unique players, putting the collected prize pool $1,268 short of the $50,000 guarantee.

PACOOP Event #32 – $200 Super Tuesday SE
262 Total Entries (190 Unique Entries, 72 Re-entries)
Prize Pool: $50,000

  1. ButtonM@sher – $9,617.42
  2. $tacksMcgee – $7,168.35
  3. dontphnkwmy<3 – $5,343.01
  4. Brikdog2424 – $3,982.47
  5. NeolithicFarmer – $2,968.37
  6. EpicJoe Jr – $2,212.51
  7. mcmullend – $1,649.12
  8. dabigquk1 – $1,229.19
  9. KnightsofNight – $916.19

‘wolfofbrdst’ Tops NLO8 for Title #2

For the second time in two days, a player won a second PACOOP title. On Monday, ‘NeolithicFarmer’ took down Event #30 ($300 NLHE Four Max) to become the first player to win twice. On Tuesday, ‘wolfofbrdst’ defated 124 other players to win Event #33 ($100 No Limit Omaha Hi-Lo) for their second title. The win came with $2,811.40.

Runner-up ‘MrGold2013‘ earned $1,950.75 while ‘dntphnkwmy<3‘ took home $1,491.75 as the bronze medalist.

The event drew 125 total entries from 88 unique players to push past the $10,000 guarantee for an $11,475 prize pool.

On December 4, ‘wolfofbrdst’ won their first title in Event #14 ($100 DeepStack NLHE).

PACOOP Event #33 – $100 No Limit Omaha Hi-Lo
125 Total Entries (88 Unique Entries, 37 Re-entries)
Prize Pool: $11,475

  1. wolfofbrdst – $2,811.40
  2. MrGold2013 – $1,950.75
  3. dntphnkwmy<3 – $1,491.75
  4. hunterm708 – $1,032.75
  5. SMhawks06 – $745.87
  6. idonthavetime – $574.75
  7. BDGEJLM – $459.00
  8. juntacadaveres – $344.25

PACOOP Day 12 Schedule

Event # Time Buy-In Event Guarantee
34 7:00 pm $30 No Limit Hold’em w/rebuys $15,000
35 8:00 pm $100 No Limit Hold’em $25,000
36 9:30 pm $200 Seven Card Stud $10,000